Bandit Signs

does the city give you a warning or do they just fine you
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  • jeff1200219th January, 2005

    I'd guess that since each city writes it's own ordinances, and every dept. manager, at least to some extent sets their own priorities. The answer to your question depends on your city, and the people that handle that part of running the city. From what I've read here and elsewhere, usually you get a warning first.

    Good luck,

  • ZinOrganization19th January, 2005

    yeah, i keep getting warnings all the time. they have yet to fine me but im sure it will happen in just a matter of time. its the risk you take.

    or you can just put them up on the weekends and take them down before monday.

    like Jeff said its diffrent in every state, research you zoning ordinances.

  • JasonVanOrden22nd January, 2005

    I tried several neighborhoods in my area to see which ones got upset right away and which ones didn't seem to notice. They usually warn you first. They may be civil or they may jump down your throat to scare you.

    Don't let them get to you. Just go with what is comfortable for you. I have never been fined yet, but if a town got mad within a couple days of me posting, then I went elsewhere.


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