Bandit signs

Just wondered what kind of printshop, quality and pricing you guys have for "Bandit" Signs. I'm not sure how much $$ to put into them. I would imagine that you have to assume that they may be carried away and consider them dispensible. Any advice?



  • buster15th January, 2003


    Someone posted this site a few days ago. It looks like their signs are pretty reasonable.

    Hope this helps. Gary

  • Vern15th January, 2003

    Hello Woodchuk, The price of your signs should not be of great concern. You can write the cost of the signs off as advertisment. This comes off the top of any profits that you make from you real estate investments that you claim on sked "E" of your 1040.

  • 15th January, 2003

    Thanks Buster for the bandit site

  • woodchuk15th January, 2003

    I appreciate your replys. And yes, it makes sense that you wouldn't really worry about since it's a write-off. I'll check out the site, buster.

    $$$ to all today!!


  • Investor4life24th November, 2003

    Just an idea,

    I go to the Paper Wharehouse (or wherever I can find the cheapest "thick" stock paper) and then I have a pre-made stencil of the alphabet & numbers and just use a spray paint to write whatever I want. My signs always look very attractive and best of all, it is sooo cheap! Be creative and you'll be surprised at what you can do and how much you will stand out!

  • thomasgsweat24th November, 2003

    How much you pay for anything DOES matter. Just because you write it off doesn't mean that you get the money back. It just means that you don't pay taxes on it.

    Pay less, keep more.

  • nebulousd24th November, 2003

    Or...have em made, have em shipped, put em up, or pay someone to put em up.

    You'll discover pretty soon all that work your putting into making signs, spray painting them, doing this, doing that, you'll get burned smarter not harder.

    Yes it does matter what you pay...meaning don't pay too much. Find a rate you like, and put them out.

    I hate putting them out cause it takes so long, I couldn't even imagine spray painting those things....whew.

    The point is to get the message out, get them to call, and buy the house.

  • redknight8330th November, 2003

    www. witnessdesigns .com

  • wilk723820th October, 2004

    On 2003-01-15 09:27, Vern wrote:
    Hello Woodchuk, The price of your signs should not be of great concern. You can write the cost of the signs off as advertisment. This comes off the top of any profits that you make from you real estate investments that you claim on sked "E" of your 1040.

    I disagree, if you make $100000/yr and have 100000 in advertising cost, you didn't make any money.

    If you make $100000/yr and you spend 2000 on advertising you deduct the 2000 and pay taxes on the rest.

    My point being, you can't just foolishly disregard your costs in advertising or any other expense just because it is a writeoff... That my friend is BAD business practice.

    I here people say all the time "So, just write it off....", which yes I will write off all expenses, but I'm not spending my hard earned money foolishly just because it's a writeoff.



  • AllCash4Homes20th October, 2004

  • ProgressiveC22nd October, 2004

    I'd have to also say that is great.

    The owner is also a real estate investor by the name of David Alexander. I met him while he was up here in St. Louis last month. Great guy with a great sub2 system as well. If you're apart of local REI clubs he may give good discount rates as well.

    Just wanted to throw my 2 cents into the ring. Take care and good luck.


  • joemac124122nd October, 2004

    Definitely shop around to find a great price. I am shocked to always hear about people spending a ton of money on things and then saying, "it's okay, I can write it off."

    The fact of the matter is that you can write it off. You'll get a 30-40% "rebate" on your taxes in April. But you are still paying the money now!!! You are still paying the 60% forever, and you are giving the gov't a 0% interest loan until you get your refund check, or at least reap the benefit of the tax deduction.

    When I had a corporate job people would overspend and overspend on their credit cards just to get the frequent flier miles!!! They would blow their own and the company money on useless things to get the miles. $25,000 to get one free roundtrip flight!!!

    If I've learned anything being self employed it is this. Be shrewd with your spending. It is not just some corporate expense, it is YOUR MONEY!!!


  • DaShow22nd October, 2004

    On 2004-10-21 19:55, DaShow wrote:
    Does anyone have any good letters, postcards, flyers, or scripts or anything that they send out to fsbos's or somewhat rundown houses that may make good candidates for subject to's or simply getting them at a bargain. I checked out the freebies section of the site, but there's really nothing there. The Infamous John Locke postcard was not even downloadable. Any input would be appreciated.

    <font size=-1>[ Edited by DaShow on Date 10/21/2004 ]</font>

    <font size=-1>[ Edited by DaShow on Date 10/21/2004 ]</font>

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