Bandit Sign Info, Please

I would like to know how I can locate people to put up bandit signs, since there are basically all sorts of ridiculous ordinances against them, even though politicians (and others) put them up all of the time. What would I tell the people doing it, watch over your shoulder?

How can I find some people (and no, I don't know any "high school students," ect. and want some real pros)?

I'm in Las Vegas, and if anyone can "clue me in" regarding what enforcement is like here, as well as people who are in to doing it here, it would be greatly appreciated (as well as any and all other info).



  • Dumdido10th September, 2004

    I agrea that you need to hire a pro to do this type of work. It is way to complicated and dangerous to try doing yourself. It involves the following complicated steps:
    -get out of the car
    -stick the sign in the ground
    -get back in the car
    -drive off

    Your going to have to find a trained and certified proffesional to help you with this.

  • mattfish1110th September, 2004

    Make sure the person who is putting up the signs is certified... This is important...

  • myfrogger10th September, 2004

    Pro's for putting up signs? Make sure they are certified? That sounds like sarcasm to me or maybe i'm just clueless...

  • johnbriscoe10th September, 2004

    Nothing gets by Myfrogger.

  • Rambler10th September, 2004

    Of course you're correct, and the joke's on me. The responders obviously feel there's no serious element to putting up hundreds of signs and being fined thousands of dollars, both myself and those puttting them up.

    I notice they didn't include that in their list of's just us nerds who worry about potential problems, not REAL investors.

  • Rambler10th September, 2004

    ...As far as "getting pro's" to place the signs - - That may have deserved some of the sarcasm here...

    I respectfully disagree. I didn't mean "pros" as far as professional sign companies. I meant pros in the sense they're accustomed to working with other investors, ect., have some knowledge of good places to place them, and have some general street smarts about "the system", so that I can avoid hassle and I don't have to go out and do it myself, and can make spend my time making offers.

    Never mind, I'll get it handled.

  • InActive_Account10th September, 2004

    Do some fast talking and get some newbies convinced you have all the answers and will make them millionaires. Then get them to do your dirty work as part of their school of hard knocks tuition.

    Also just search in google for - illegal methods and short cuts.

  • bnorton10th September, 2004


    On a serious note, if your signs go up after 5P on Friday, and down before 6a on Monday, you will greatly reduce your chances of getting fined. It just so happens that most officials who may want to earn some money for blackjack are generally not working during those times. Also, the folks you are targeting are also generally out and about during that time.

    On another note, using Pro's and Las Vegas in the same sentence may give some the wrong idea. Not me of course.

  • Gorremans812th September, 2004

    In my neck of the woods you see a sign on just about every corner wanting to buy houses. Every once in a while you will see a news flash reminding people it's illegal. The politicians have ignored this and have seen few being fined. You also will see the city crews removing them on certain days of the weeks if someone complains.

  • nash8716th September, 2004

    The Pros in Vegas hire those people with backpacks to pass out brochures.

    In my city, stores hire people to stand at major intersections with signs.

  • jchandle16th September, 2004

    What a bunch of clack when this guy asked a serious question.

    Jim over on talks about this business of getting his signs up. He hires people to do. Go to that sight and read the discussion. It'll help ya.

  • ZNICK23rd October, 2004

    There's a nationwide company that puts up garage sale signs for an upscale clientele, and they are branching into the high tech real investor genre.

    They put them out Friday eves and watch them with survelliance vehicles from a distance.

    They are the best in the business, pros, and can be reached at:


  • DonBatzini23rd October, 2004

    who-ever posted about putting them out on friday night and taking them down on sunday night definetly has the right idea. this is by far the safest way. unfortunatly i usually bypass taking them down and get tons of calls from zoning. this will be something that you just will have to deal with. also may i suggest you get a prepaid cellphone in someone elses name and use that number on the signs, this will provent the vandal squad from tracking you down. lol. hope this helps a bit.

  • ncboater23rd October, 2004

    First why aren't you putting them up yourself?
    Oh yeah that 20oz hammer is hard to swing.
    But if you don't want to there are companies out there that will put them up friday afternoon and take them down sunday night. I looked into it. They were east to find. Most of them put up signs for the new home builders. I called a couple of them and they gave me there number. Wasn't to hard. Expensive in the long run. Plus the porblem I had with that is that most people travel to work during the week. There is always less traffic on Sundays than mondays.

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