Author Tenant using security deposit for rent!..need advise!

Senior Investor

Joined on: 04/08/2003
Post: 80 Posted: 23:22 on 06-05-2003
Have a tenant moving to new home has given notice and her last months rent is paid in advance Problem is that she has arbitrarily calculated her deposit to be an additional months rent and sent me a check for the balance
I plan to call her tomorrow and discuss that the sec is not used for rent but I have a feeling that they will do what they want since they have just built a new home and could care less what I say
What is my recourse? If they stay on and use up the security deposit I will be losing a months rent from someone else plus I need that time to do new carpet and paint etc. I can't evict because they are in their last paid month now


  • InActive_Account6th June, 2003

    When you have your tenant sign the lease have them sign a statement that they understand the security deposit cannot be used for rent.I also collect a non-refundable redecorating deposit,along with the damage deposit.

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