Auction Clarification

I need a quick clarification about the amounts bid at an auction. If there is more bid than the bank is owed where does the extra get distributed?


  • finniganps15th February, 2007

    Usually to the owner AFTER any liens are paid.

  • tbird5615th February, 2007

    Your loan officer is correct and you will run into the same situation where ever you apply.

    Lenders want to lend to people, not a new unproven LLC only a few months old, that has no established track record, and has the capability of dissolving without any personal liability.

    I see newbies think they should form an LLC first, and buy properties in the LLC name. Wrong! Nobody will lend to a new LLC. The way is to get the loan in your personal name, then transfer to the LLC for asset protection.
    [ Edited by tbird56 on Date 02/15/2007 ]

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