I've been reading the different forums and maybe my eyesight failed (yep..I am older than you..) and I just read a review of "John Locke's" material and I quote:.".to seek a real estate attorney.."etc. My experience , limited as it is, is "they"(and I'M SURE not all) don't comprehend what Iam trying to achieve, or the advise is totally 180 from what I LEARNED from the experts.
I am now asking for advise from "all " to share your experiences . I NOW do this opening question to the "lawyer" is 'DO You Invest In R.E."? You should see the looks I've recieved . Thanks for any light you can bring, mcldavid confused


  • vlynn00716th January, 2004

    I can imagine the looks you got. LOL. That is a good question to start off if you are looking for an atty to work with. I don't think that I would trust a real estate atty who was not involved in CREI in at least one form or another to handle my CREI affairs.

    If I understand correctly you are looking for an atty.?.."They"(atty's I am assuming) may not understand what you are trying to do because it may be not what they are used to doing? There are several places you can look for atty that may be less apprehensive if they understand your goals and know there are other ways to do REI other than the norm. I have met plenty of lawyers at local CREI meetings and personally I think it is a great place to start to find one. That way you know they are likeminded. If you still can't find one you may want to ask fellow investors in your area who they use. That way you know the lawyer has had experience with CREI and can see the "BIG PICTURE" of what you are trying to achieve. Good luck.

    Carpe Diem,


    [ Edited by vlynn007 on Date 01/16/2004 ][ Edited by vlynn007 on Date 01/16/2004 ]

  • EUREO16th January, 2004

    Maybe the good idea for you would be to describe the main difference.

    To clarify further, how does what you've learned defer from what you've read today?

  • norrist16th January, 2004

    The best place we've experienced to find an Attorney who know the RE business is our REIA group(s). Especially if they attend as much as an investor as they do an attorney. One of the better ones with whom we've worked was actually fairly new tio REI. He was learning for selfish reasons, but was able to help us more efficiently because of this. They're out there...keep looking. Good luck. Tim

  • mcldavid16th January, 2004

    Vlynn, Eureo, Norrist :
    Here is what Ihave faced..the attorney in our rei group stays in the "BUSINESS LIEN"(construction)Foreclosure side, and he didn't have someone in mind to recommend. He is asking others for imput..he understands and doesn't want to put me in the "waters with a shark". ALSO others in the group really feel it is not a commanding issue , so limited feed back there. Now granted being "new" I know I need to go deeper in the "group"
    One main "difference" Double Closing.. comes to mind. Another is using "other peoples $$" this young lawyer just didn't grasp what I wanted to achieve.
    what ARE THE OPINIONS I need a lawyer or as some state "they only muddy the water".
    Thanks for the "ear", mcldaavd..
    Veronica i will keep "asking" Thanks to All

  • norrist16th January, 2004

    I'd just keep looking. Only the ones that understand will not muddy the waters...Forge ahead until you find the "right" one.

  • mcldavid16th January, 2004

    To all who replied: One more question( ok two) then I' LL move ON. Do "you " Have an attorney? When did you "retain" the attorney? And what role does the attorney play(perform)? OK ..that was three question. Please, if there is a lawyer reading this, don't think I'M against lawyers..the " Instructors" I've studied (and still studying )..I Feel, don't define the "role" that they take on. Once again ..Thanks..mcldavid....

  • Hawthorn17th January, 2004

    Early on I was advised to find a RE Attorney who could also write Title.
    I "interviewed" several, and did my first closings with the one I selected.
    I got a lot of good (free) legal advice in the process, and the relationship developed very well, as I also recommended him to 3rd parties.
    Eventhough nowadays I spread my closings around a bit more, we still have a good relationship to the point where he points me to specific attorneys for specialized problems that crop up.
    The retainer issue never came up.
    Just the promise that he would get to do my closings, and that I would refer new clients to him were more than sufficient to compensate for my taking up his time every once in a while.
    Hope this can work for you.


  • vlynn00718th January, 2004

    I do have a lawyer I have review contract before I get I sign them. I just get charged per HR. He has paralegals he delagates minor tasks to and then revises their work to make sure everything is in order. That helps keeps all his clients costs down. He has also given me good "free" legal advise and is himself a CREI. So the costs for a newbie like my have not been outrageous. I think it is a preference if you use or do not use a lawyer, but I do since I am new and it gives me piece of mind. And that to me is priceless. Good luck.

    Carpe Diem,


  • mcldavid18th January, 2004

    THANKS TO ALL : Vlynn"007"..Hawthorn..Norrist & Euro..
    and I will fallow your "examples" , Veronica & Hawthorn..both of you have the "r.e. attorney" and working arrangement that I AM going to pursue.


  • Lufos18th January, 2004


    Are you posting from Oregon. Is not Oregon a Trust Deed State? Do you not use Escrow Companies.

    Please advise I may have my states confused again. Lucius

  • mcldavid18th January, 2004

    Yep, I'm in Oregon.
    Lucius , am I missing something?


  • JohnMerchant18th January, 2004

    I recently heard a very sharp lawyer from Portland address a real estate group meeting...Coni Rathbone, of Davis Tremaine Law Firm, (503) 778-5308.

    Very nice, no hot dog and obviously capablem, as Davis T doesn't hire any stupid lawyers.

    If and when you call her for first conference, do NOT expect she's going to have any SubTo experience.

    She does have lots of sophisticated RE experience & knows OR law, but like most lawyers, really has no experience or much know-how re subto deals.

    You can explain your strategy and just say this is quite common these days, show her one or two works like John Locke's terrific book, to prove this point, and just say you're going to be working with some RE but you're NOT going to be assuming debt.

    She'll quickly grasp what you're wanting and can protect you in OR deals.

    I'm an acquaintance of her Dad and heard her talk at Corvallis last summer, on "Asset Protection:" She knows a LOT about that topic and impressed me plenty.

    Good luck.

    John Merchant

  • mcldavid18th January, 2004

    JOHN, THANKS... I'm calling her Mon. I do appreciate the help.....
    AND that is extended to ""ALL of YOU
    Best to ALL,

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