Attn: John Merchant


Thank you for taking care of charlotteinvestor, I moved his land trust post to the legal forum figuring you would take care of it as it was in the subject to forum.

He makes posts like (WOW) (GOLLY), etc to move up in the rankings and figures we have not seen this before. I corrected him for making a bad post (which there are several) and then he figures I am the bad guy for bringing it up.

Anyway the land trust post was only made to cause more problems.

Take care,



  • JohnLocke6th July, 2006


    When the lizard made his first post I advised Joel to ban him as he is nothing but trouble. He does hi-jack posts, posts misinformation and is only board hustling for some new person who does not know any better. He says he is not selling anything which, is an absolute lie.

    What he does is drive away professionals in our industry who could be of great benefit to this board, but they do not want to put up with his nonsense should they advise someone and he of course would step in with his cut and paste answers. This hurts all members here.

    Then Chris in his ultimate wisdom posts we should have a land trust forum, he does not understand that this is not a form of investing. There are many methods of holding properties so having a forum for each one of these methods in not possible and the legal forum covers them all should a poster need an explaination.

    Joel will talk with you, email him and say you want to talk, maybe if you explain that the lizard is posting information that can get someone in trouble, plus the disruption to the board he will listen.


  • JohnLocke4th August, 2006

    Another trashy post from the Lizard.

    No proof, No evidence, just to start trouble and benefit from his own land trust consulting web site.

    I have said it from the begining he is a board hustler, how much proof is needed before he is banned from this site, like the other top web site he was banned from?

    What has he contributed to this site except cut and paste from someone elses site, which I am sure violates a copyright of the persons site it came from.


  • JohnLocke4th August, 2006

    Answering a post which had nothing to do with the posters question and was bad information, just to get the land trust into the post.


  • JohnLocke4th August, 2006

    Now Lizard is Board Spamming after he was pulled up for posting bad information. Duplicate heading of a post that was Locked, thus defying a Moderator.

    This shows a lack of respect for those tasked with keeping the board clear of posters like Gary and only breeds further posters of showing the same lack of respect.


  • JohnLocke4th August, 2006

    These posts are from 8-4-06

    Here he posts telling posters to Google in "No Down No New Loan" and get a free copy of the e-book, which is not Free when you have to give out your name and email address for some spam you will definately receive. Then low and behold up pops Bill Gattens site when you Google it in.


  • jfmlv19506th August, 2006


    In your last paragraph of your “Report This Post” notification it states “And if you see a recurring offender, please notify TCI immediately to take further action.”

    Joel, you are being notified by many people of this recurring offender from many different sources. Please do something to get rid of this problem permanently here, as this person is poison not only here on TCI, but also on other sites on the web.

    John (LV)

  • joel8th August, 2006

    We will be making some changes soon. I appreciate all your alls help.

    I might need to give some guys administrative access, so moderators can ban people if they need to.

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