Atlanta, Ogden, Salt Lake, Cincinnati, Dayton, Denver, Charlotte, Arlington &Denison & Dallas TX,

Hello to all,

I hope everyone is having a pleasant day.

I was hoping from some advice from other investors in these areas or who have recently ( last 6 months) invested in any of these areas for current Feedback?

I am planning to buy a property in the next two months in the above areas.

My questions are ? Which One of these markets will be best for current appreciation?

I am planning on doing a Lease Option to sell it in 24 months and want + cash flow as well with little down.

Which Area will give me the most ?

What area would you invest in and Why?

I am open to Mulit-units as well?

How have you financed (best way) for 24 months?

Feedback would be honestly respected.

Expect Success,

Wallace Hobbs
Real Estate Investor
[ Edited by wallacehobbs on Date 04/11/2005 ]


  • Eric58th April, 2005

    Sounds like a good deal, sign me up for about 10.

  • Eric58th April, 2005

    Just kidding, I agree with commercial it does sound fishy.

  • InActive_Account9th April, 2005

    Thanks for the input.

    No I have used this property service one time before in Loganville GA, and did very well.

    $21K in Instant Equity, and $132 a month cash flow with a 5% down. I am happy with it.

    I have never bought in the other areas I mentioned and have the funds to buy my 6th investment property next month and wanted feedback on what area is the best for my Investment out of the ones stated.

    I am on a monthly subsciption for this service along with some other benefits.

    My main goal is to continue my Wealth Creation and long term cash flow thru RE investing.

    I only have just over $1.4 million in properties to far and I need much more to increase the cash flow which is not that much right now today off of these.

    With 100% down it takes a while to find a postivie cash flow property anywhere.

    Do you agree or disagree?

    If you know a great area, please let me know


  • InActive_Account10th April, 2005

    Thanks for your reply Mr. Mark Reynolds

    I am a new investor and love it.

    If you will note the link you posted is over one year old. The company has completely changed and does not offer new customers any income opportunity.

    A very few "Idependent Reps" stretched the truth to help increase some sells in the past, but now that is history and I am very Glad about it.

    I must tell you that, you get out what you put in. Most folks think REI is easy and complain when nothing happens, for lack of their effort.

    On a side note Mr. Mark Reynolds,
    I feel you are very rude and insecure for putting me, a disabled Army Vet, down by saying my success is "Chicken Feed." This shows your true character. That is a bad attitude Sir.

    My experience is growing everyday and I do meet nice people that are willing to help me learn and network as a team.

    Unfortunately you are not one of them.

    I do wish you success with "all your Millions in property" and my God Bless you and yours.

    Always Expect Success,

    Wallace Hobbs
    Real Estate Investor

    PS: You are Welcome.

    [ Edited by wallacehobbs on Date 04/10/2005 ][ Edited by NancyChadwick on Date 04/10/2005 ]

  • JohnLocke10th April, 2005


    Looks like a territorial dispute to me.

    John $Cash$ :Locke

  • InActive_Account10th April, 2005

    I and many others I work with have a proven track record and documented proof of our success.

    I have had nothing but postive success.

    Expect Success,

    Wallace Hobbs
    Real Estate Investor
    [ Edited by wallacehobbs on Date 04/10/2005 ]

  • dlitedan11th April, 2005

    Wow that was a great thread all the way to the end. I was about to pm wallace hobbs and ask him about the service until I saw the moderators do some investigating and posted it for me to see. I just want to say thanks to the moderators for watching my back. I get enough email scams about rei and when I read something on TCI I tend to believe it. So thanks for letting me know this smells of scam, I may of fallin for it. and in the defense of the moderators, I have been a faithful member of TCI for a year now and the only moderator I thought sold courses was John Locke, and thats only because I hear it from other members, not him. The point is if these moderators are only here to promote themselves, then they are doing a bad job. Thanks again.

  • woodsong11th April, 2005

    Mr. Hobbs,
    Please note that not all moderators are selling anything here, and not to say that selling something is a bad thing per say. I am a moderator and not selling anything whatsoever and give out a ton of advice in the areas I am proficient in and that advice is the type that takes years and years of working in my field to obtain knowledge of. So, no we are not all scared. It is more the baited way in which you posted.

    That being said, yes, ATL is a good market to invest in.

  • archw7th June, 2005

    I believe I will simply answer your question.

    Please start investing in Denver.

    You are attempting to drive in a NASCAR race, before you have even finished drivers ED. You are so stubborn that you will not listen to the voices of reason. You appear to have been blinded to the fact that this IS a serious business and takes a long time to develop. I am amazed when you talk about owning 1.4 Million in property in this context. What you should say is that you are on the hook for 1.4 Million and are only making a few measly bucks each month for the effort. Your Risk to Reward is ridiculous. I am certain that you will lose money if you continue your current investing habits..... Which brings me back to, please invest in Denver.
    I really do not wish to see anyone fail, but, if you are determined to do so, I will gladly take your money.



  • InActive_Account7th June, 2005


    Thanks for your Repy? Why Denver, are you a Realtor there?

    I do agree it takes time to learn Real Estate Investing, unless you are in a like-minded community of investors and are drawing on their many years of experience.

    The rate of my progress has actually surprised me, in a good way.

    Yes I know just over a Million in property is nothing to the "Big Dogs", but consider the most I ever made in a single year before was under $60K, it is a lot for me.

    My networth over the last 6 months has increased several hundred thousand, which is a lot more than 60K, so I am doing well by my standards, which are the only ones that matter.

    I do really appreciate your concern, and welcome your help and insights on Investing. Together Everyone Achieves More. (TEAM)

    This is my passion, and I do REI full time, I can only get better.

    Until next Time...Happy Investing

    Wallace Hobbs
    Real Estate Investor
    NR Student Advisor

    [ Edited by RealEstateWins on Date 06/07/2005 ]

  • goldenchild7th June, 2005

    Realestate Wins, thx for the comment. I just believe each its own because people receive and interpret info differently, but actions are the real speakers.

    Oh, you said you find funds, what type

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