Atlanta Investors

Is there anyone from the Atlanta area that has been in real estate investing for only a year or two?
I was going to see how you got started and what things to I need watch out for with my first few deals?

Would like to find out what are some good and bad areas in Atlanta to be looking for properties.



  • labellavita3rd May, 2004

    I'm new too and my goal is to make my first wholesale deal this June. As for good areas, I'm always hearing about areas such as East Point and Kirkwood, although I'm not sure if those areas are about transitioned out. Think about joining GAREIA (investors club). I joined the end of last yr and I'm learning a lot!


  • ScottD3rd May, 2004

    Nice to see some other Atlanta newbies around here. I've been lurking around here for about the past year. I decided to get into REI last January and took the John Adams boot camp. It was a very good starting point for me.

    I must admit, I had analysis paralysis for a long time. In my case it largely had to do with my peronality. I like to make sure I have a very solid foundation beneath me before I venture fourth and conquer. I've done that over the past year by reading and studying anything and everything I can get my hands on. I'm finally at the point in my investing career where I'm starting up my marketing campaign to get folks calling me with deals.

    One of the things I can definately tell you to watch out for it to never underestimate the costs you think you're going to have in a property. I know it may sound trivial. But as a beginner, there are may expenses that can be incured that you may not have thought of yet.

    Also, much of this depends on the type of deals you're looking to do. If you're going to wholesale your first few deals, you should start making contacts now so that you know where you can unload those deals.

    I would have to agreee that GAREIA is a great resource for beginners to make those connections. They have several different study groups, many that meet twice per month, and this is a great way to network with other investors.

    Whatever you choose, I wish you a prosperous career.


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