
I am a new investor and am looking for a property which I can assign for a first profit. What exactly should I look for? Should the property be negotiated so that the sale price is much lower than the FMV so as to cause immediate equity for whoever i assign to? If so, how much equity should there be?


  • JeffAdams31st October, 2004

    You need to first educate yourself in real-estate! Take some courses on 'wholesaling'. Get your real-estate license. Read every post on here regarding 'wholesaling'.

    Wholesaling is basically buying houses below 70% of market value and wholesaling them to other investors below 70% of market value. For example, you buy a house for 62% of market value and sell for 67% of market value making $5k.

    You are on the right track, you just need to take a few courses. John Locke has
    as good one on this site. Ron Legrand is another one I would recommend.

    Best Regards,
    Jeff Adam

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