Investing Way Out Of Town In Ft Worth Texas

I hear a lot of cali people are starting to do this? any one want to chime in?

[ Edited by chongdog on Date 02/02/2006 ]


  • mcole4th February, 2006

    I’ll chime in too.

    I’m in CA and have bought in different states, including the Fort Worth area of TX. But I’m not waiting for appreciation.

    If you look at the appreciation trends there over the past 25 years, they never have had a big run-up. It has averaged maybe 3%-4% percent.

    Yes, there are people saying it’s poised for rapid appreciation – but I’m not counting on it.

    However, it is an area where you can realize positive cash-flow pretty easy, even on newer property at higher LTVs.

    I think it depends on what your investment goals are.

    Just my 2¢

  • GoBelly6th February, 2006

    Chime-n in

    I believe it depends on your exit strategy. If you are buying to keep and it makes sense, then who cares about appreciaton. My favorite deals are the ones where I have no money into them and am recieving money each month just for keeping them. If, Ft. Worth or anywhere else offers you that kind of deal then go for it. Passive income is real nice (taxed lower)

  • finniganps8th February, 2006

    Usually. the county has the public records of the address owner including the mailing address. Call the county assessor and ask them what the procedure is to view the records.

  • MJPVEN9th February, 2006

    I am in the Hotel/Motel industry with experience and am looking for investments. Management companies can be risky but if you choose the right one they can help further your returns. This is ironic because I was looking at the Huntsville market about a year ago but decided to do a project elsewhere. I will gladly help and answer any questions you have. You may e-mail me on MJPVEN at gmail e-mailing service (does not show up when written with @ and .com but you get the idea).[ Edited by MJPVEN on Date 02/09/2006 ]

  • AaronSanDiego9th February, 2006

    I provide financing for hotels and have a large database of past clients who may be interested in contributing something towards your deal. Can you send me some info?

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