Are You Familiar With Marc Garrison's Investment Style?

I am just trying to reach out to those of you who may be familiar with his strategies of buying properties in area of huge job growth. I just bought his new book "Unlimited Real Estate Profit" and am wondering what others think about this method of investing. His basic philosophy is, "Live where you want to, Invest where it makes sense."


  • Birddog116th December, 2003

    I Think of it this way. I'm from Mass, Many people who work in Boston, don't exactly live in Boston, they tend to live in the suburbs. Therefore, propery is expensive around these parts. If you can get into the market, its great, but getting in is the difficult part.

  • PhilMoffitt4th February, 2004

    [ Edited by PhilMoffitt on Date 02/16/2004 ]

  • Lufos4th February, 2004

    Dear Phil,

    I am sorry, but perhaps you would elaborate a little on this most interesting of teachings. Just what is the gist of it? Does he suggest you buy and manage by long distance? Or is it just a buy and imediately sell? I am very cruious and I am sure all of the other TCI ers are also.

    Cheers Lucius

  • sscott775th February, 2004

    Phil - I just finished reading "unlimited real estate profit" and am very curious about the buying tour.

    I felt like the book was pretty motivating, but seemed to skip over some of the necessary details to execute. After a while, it appeared to be one long commercial for the buying tour.

    Did you learn anything at all? How many people were there on the buying tour? I had the impression the buying tour would present you with opportunities to invest while you were there. True? How expensive was it to participate?

    If you would like to email me directly, let me know.

  • omega15th February, 2004

    I can also support the above mentioned idea that you should in more details elaborate on that most amazing technique and investment angle professed in Marc Garrison's investment style.

    Product Details

    * Paperback: 382 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.15 x 8.94 x 6.34
    * Publisher: Adams Media Corporation; (December 2003)
    * ISBN: 1580629482
    * Average Customer Review: 5 stars based on 2 reviews. [ Edited by omega1 on Date 02/05/2004 ]

  • JohnLocke5th February, 2004


    Don't forget about ordering for Valentines Day, I think this is important also.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • pbodys5th February, 2004

    Hello all,
    I read some of your post on this subject and I receive some of Marc's mail...
    I have to say, as I understand's called the Garrison Cycle and basically the whole concept seems to be preety obvious.

    I "think" he monitors not only job growth in different sectors, but also the failing businesses market . Kinda makes sense, if a large corporation fails, laying off, downsizing or terminating it's workforce then these people will look for alternative housing because they can't afford to pay their mortgages anymore....

    When the workforce fails in the town, not only do these fallen employees lose there income but the surrounding business as well because of the "now" failing economy in the community....prompting even more homeowners/business owners to move away...

    Perhaps I'm wrong but that's what I get out of his mailings.

    Just my humble opinion.

  • omega16th February, 2004

    hey dirthman,

    "You've reached out , got us and where are you?

    I will do that John and not because of the book and wanderfull technique it teaches, but because of the nice and beautiful colorful paper the Amazon use to pack the presents.

  • InActive_Account6th February, 2004

    As someone has stated "The book is an advertisement for the buying tour." The buying tour sounds to me like a way to sale you even more useless courses. Why pay your hard earned money for information from another guru,when you can learn more here and it is free. The courses through TCI University are much better and cheaper.

  • dirtman896th February, 2004

    You can learn about Garrison's investing style on his site The idea is good and you can sign up for a free newsletter which promotes his methods and give you the dates and times of his free teleworkshops. He charges $495 for the 21 video course which is very poorly recorded, but does have some good info. He then sells his buying tour for $7500. He attributes the high cost to the sums of money he says he spends on research locating the growth areas of the country. A magazine called Expansion Management also does this. His is more in depth though. His site is a least worth a visit. It open my eyes to other ideas. I live in southern NH and the real estate is pretty pricey for what you get in cash flow. I have been looking in other areas and am amazed at some of the opportunities. By the way, I am not a Garrison member. Another competing group with a similar philosophy is a company called Real I ordered their free video and think from what I have seen, have a great system. They charge $7900 or so for their buying tour. Either of these groups would be well worth the investment if their research was solid.

  • rwwrrr6th February, 2004

    $7500 you gave to him. Tickets to the Superbowl are only $1500 wow

  • clegg6th February, 2004

    That Expansion Management seems really cool...I might get a subscription. However, what I would like is a table showing the areas where the most number of manufacturing jobs will be moving in...with that magazine, its individual articles...and I guess those numbers can be drawn over time, but its too slow.
    As for Garrion, his book got me interested in REI, so its definetly motivational. However, its also a sales pitch...for every little piece of information, he gives his email address and asks you to email him...and its an automated reply with advertisements for his products. His data would be worth something though, if I could just buy that without going on his tours.


  • lakeshore6th February, 2004

    Been on some of the buying tours..
    was able to purchase over 70+ units in different states. garrison's ideas do make sense.. all the properties have gone up in value over the yrs.

    I went when it was around $5k

  • PhilMoffitt6th February, 2004

    [ Edited by PhilMoffitt on Date 02/16/2004 ]

  • rwwrrr6th February, 2004

    I am mistaking this for an info-mercial. Wow now it is up to $8,000 for a bus ride...

  • clegg7th February, 2004

    thanks for the input phil...any inclinations I had off attending have been put to rest.

  • LesMoney9th June, 2004

    Some of you talked about the all-important research. Well, Garrison offers harldy ANY research when you go on one of his tours. All we got -- several weeks AFTER the tour -- was page after page of current school stats (NOT the k-6 growth mentioned repeatedly in book as one of the most important indicators) and some copies of internet articles about companies moving into the area. All of this stuff can be picked up off the internet for free. You don't get what you pay for.

    The book makes it sound like the NAREI does exhaustive research and market analysis to determine which cities are the best of the best places to invest. After being on the tour, it seems like they just read the Expansion Management magazine's article and picked the city that was at the top a couple of years ago.

    By the time we got to the city on the tour, there was so much investor activity that is was extremely difficult to get an offer accepted. Some people on the tour even offered all cash and/or more than the asking price.

    Even now, months later, there have been few (if any) successes resulting from the tour. A few people had to move there in order to make it work. So much for "live where you want to live."

  • brettjamesburas4th October, 2004

    Lakeshore, I am thinking about going on a buying tour with Garrison this month. When was the last time you were on a tour? How many have you been on? Was all of the information promised provided to you? All in all, were you happy with your experience?

    Thanks[ Edited by brettjamesburas on Date 10/04/2004 ]

  • dirtman8915th October, 2004

    Anyone heard from Marc Garrison lately?

  • brettjamesburas25th October, 2004

    I just returned from a tour. I was very impressed. All economic research was provided on time and the information was in depth. I purchased 6 SFRs that all cash flow.

    I will do it again.

  • karomel25th October, 2004


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