Are There Restrictions Placed On An Investor If He Or She Has Their Real Estate License?

I am very new to Real Estate Investing. Right now I am trying to get as educated as possible by networking, reading, and researching. I was curious as an investor if I should have my license or not? Are there drawbacks to being an investor with a license? I know you can invest with out a license but I was worried about it being a possible conflict of interest to be a licensed realtor and working in real estate from an investment standpoint. You opinions and education would be much appreciated. Thanks


  • rajwarrior2nd September, 2004


    No offense intended, but this question has been beat completely to death on this forum. If you want opinions on the subject, click on the "advanced search" button at the top of the forum and run a search. You'll have days of reading on everyones' pros and cons opinions on the subject.

    Happy reading.


  • limelux3rd September, 2004

    No offense taken. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Sorry about the repeated post.

  • DeeLewis3rd September, 2004

    Hey Limelux,

    Most questions on this board have been asked before, so feel free to ask away, noone is compelled to respond.

    Regarding your question, I've been into REI for about a year. I have had SEVERAL problems with agents, except my last one, he was great, but somethings that I was trying to do creatively, he still didn't understand.

    I'm getting my license now, have two weeks left of class, they aren't any "drawbacks" per se, but being an investor and a RE Agent, there are laws you have to go by. MOST RE Agents, if they are smart enough, will be or already are investors. The only thing you really have to do is when you sale a property that you own, you must disclose to the buyer that you are a real estate agent as well. You don't have to pay your broker unless you list your property in the MLS (which also has its advantages). Also, if you buy an investment property off of the MLS, you may get a comission. So if you ask me, it's more pluses to being a RE Agent than minuses.

    F.Y.I. There are a LOT of laws. And you just have to be careful about how you negotiate your deals so you're not in violation. I say go for it!!


    Dee :-D

  • limelux3rd September, 2004

    Thanks for the advice. I wanted to get my license anyway just to know more about the industry. I'll keep exploring my options. Thanks and Good Luck to you.


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