Are There Any Recommended Tenant Screening Services

that Creative Investor members use. There are many options online and I would like to narrow my list down via referrals.


  • BMan12th May, 2004

    Just my personal opinion but I would NEVER let anyone screen my tenants for me...... Seems property management companies have a much lower standard than I do. Find a way to run a credit report meet them personally ask lots of questions check their references and make a decision....I am still small time and this might not be your case....if so good luck in your quest to find someone that will do a good job.......all it will take is for one bad decision to cost you.....

  • wally200012th May, 2004

    I've used for the last 5 years. You can get all levels of checks done over the internet in minutes 24/7. I usually call previous landlords on my own. The checks start at about $9.00 each. Good luck

  • nmcurse12th May, 2004

    My approach is getting a word from their boss. If their job/boss won't talk to me then I won't let them in. From there - I look inside their car and find out how neat it is - if it's a wreck then the house will be a wreck. My wife thinks I'm strange doing this but it works.

    If they complain on the house visit the first time then it's a no as well.

    I've had many prospects leave during the house visit because when I sit down with them once they say they want to rent I'm really clear. I explain what I do on non-payments or late payment. I tell them, 'All late payments have a penalty and once they are more than 15 days late I start the eviction' If they want me to stop the eviction they can pay the rent. I make it really clear I don't want to hear one story about anything.

    I might be a little rigid but I also explain that I repair all problem within 24 hours.

  • Karan9712th May, 2004

    Is anyone familiar with

  • tworedaces14th May, 2004

    Thanks for the input.

  • InActive_Account14th May, 2004

    Yes do what nmcurse said "look at their car". It the car is trashed inside then your place will be trashed and infested with roaches and everything imaginable. I have actually been told this by a large local investor. He said he rented to a person with a fillthy car and just let it go until 6 months later when he had to repair something at the house he went inside and it was a disaster area. He actually did this 3 times before he used the car inspected method and he says it works[ Edited by senatorcbp2 on Date 05/14/2004 ]

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