Are Their Any Real Estate "dealers Out There"?

I have been dealing RE for years. I read a long time ago the IRS would mark me as a dealer and keep all transactions in a 1/3 tax areana?? I asked my tax guy he doesn't know.
This being federal I was hoping to get a responce from any classified "dealers" that are out there.
The question being what is the outline that has earnd you this title??


  • rwwrrr4th October, 2003

    Here is some good information:

    Are You a "Dealer" or an "Investor"?
    by John Hyre, J.D.

    This article is about what makes a real estate investor a "Dealer" for federal income tax purposes. We are not talking about the requirements to be a state licensed mobile home or real estate seller. Nor are we talking about the guys and gals in Las Vegas who take all of your money in exchange for "free" booze. Instead, we are focusing on a classification that dramatically affects how much tax is paid and when it is paid.

    Why the "Dealer" Issue Matters

    Congress is most discriminating. For example, if two investors each purchased adjacent and identical properties for exactly the same price, spent exactly the same on improving each property and sold the properties for the same price to the same buyer, one investor might pay double the taxes of the other. And the difference in taxes paid would be even larger when measured in terms of present value.

    Specifically, a property acquired and later sold by an "Investor":

    Generates depreciation deductions;

    Is taxed at favorable capital gains rates when sold;

    May qualify for deferral of gain under IRC Section 1031;

    May qualify for deferral of gain as an Installment Sale.

    The same property sold by a "Dealer" is simply taxed at full ordinary rates upon sale, with no deferral and no depreciation deductions. Sometimes simpler is not better.

    Are You a "Dealer" or "Investor"?

    Congress differentiates between the "identical" situations described above based upon the intent of each investor. Generally, if an entrepreneur purchased a property with the intent to sell, then he would be a Dealer with respect to that property. If, on the other hand, the entrepreneur purchased the property with an eye toward holding it for the income and appreciation benefits, the more favorable Investor status would apply.

    That's right, the same outfit that is consistently unable to distinguish between "Trust Fund" (Social Security in theory) and "Pork Piggy Bank" (Social Security in fact) wants to know what you were thinking when you bought that property. Maybe Dealers need better lobbyists.

    Fortunately, technological capacity is not quite up to the demands of Congressional mind-reading intent, so we can keep our tinfoil helmets in the closet. Unable to peer into one's head, the IRS must make do with peering into one's business. The courts and the IRS consider the following factors in determining whether a real estate entrepreneur is a Dealer:

    Duration of ownership. Properties held for less than two years will likely be treated as dealer inventory. Properties held for more than two are often, but not always, treated as investments.

    Manifestations of intent. Statements of intent will be held against you if resale ideas were expressed. A firm representation made to investors of intent to buy and hold may be of some slight help.

    Extent and nature of efforts to sell the property. Strong and constant advertising, use of agents and personal sales efforts are the hallmarks of dealers. However, this factor is rarely fatal, because investors liquidating property must also advertise and use brokers. Basically, the more constant and intense the activity, the greater the likelihood that this factor will point towards an intent to sell.

    Number, substance and continuity of sales. The greater the number of sales over time, the more likely a sales intent exists. This factor alone can be fatal to investor status. This factor is also neutral at best--a lack of sales does not necessarily indicate a lack of sales intent (just a lack of skill or luck!).

    Extent of subdivision and development. Subdivision and development tend to indicate an intent to sell, though subsequent sustained rental of developed properties may nullify this factor.

    Use of a business office for the sale of property. Not generally an important factor, but it can tip the balance in close cases.

    Degree of control exercised over selling agents. A close degree of control over agents gives the appearance of a sales operation. This factor is rarely applied in practice.

    Time and effort habitually devoted to sales. This factor is more properly part of the third factor described above. The more habitual the effort, the more likely a sales intent exists.

    Which factors are most important?

    Nobody--including the courts--knows. Number of sales, duration of holding, and extent and consistency of sales efforts seem to weigh most heavily. However, this area is very heavily litigated and the court opinions are all over the map and sometimes inconsistent.

    If homes are advertised and resold within two years on a pretty consistent basis for cash or on Contract for Deed (Land Contract), you are almost certainly a Dealer. The lines are a bit more murky where lease options are concerned (more on that below). Personally, I think Dealer status is like the Supreme Court's definition of pornography--you'll know it when you see it, all pretenses at "art" & "Investor status" aside. The amount of litigation in this area is intense, which means that the IRS is quite aware of the issue and willing to fight it. Expect scrutiny on audit.

    Important planning issues

    The first priority is to ensure that Dealer status is not attributed to non-Dealer properties. For example, if an investor held some rentals with her "flip" properties, the rentals could easily end up tainted as Dealer property when sold. One pretty certain means of segregating Dealer and Investment properties is to put each class of property into different entities. Generally, the dealer properties go into a corporation and the investor properties are placed in an limited liability company or limited partnership.

    However, contrary to popular belief, one can also hold Dealer and non-Dealer properties in the same entity while preserving the favorable tax status of the latter. The key is good documentation to prove the segregation between the property types. Using separate entities to segregate the property types is the safer approach, but holding them in one entity is still feasible for those who cannot afford multiple entities from the get-go.

    The Dealer classification is especially troublesome where contract-for-deed or land contract (CFD/LC) transactions are concerned. Remember that Dealers may use neither the installment sales method nor enter into tax-free exchanges, so any tax on a sale is due when the sale is made. Because a Dealer selling on CFD/LC takes payments instead of cash, he may have to go out of pocket to pay income taxes.

    For example:

    Investor purchases property for $50,000 cash;
    Investor sells property on CFD/LC for $100,000 with $7,500 down;
    Assuming a 31% bracket, the tax due equals $15,500 ($50,000 gain x 31%).

    Our Dealer would have to go $8,000 out of pocket ($15,500 tax due less the $7,500 down payment received) just to pay Uncle Sugar… and that doesn't include Social Security or State income taxes! That sort of hit could turn a good pre-tax return into a dismal after-tax return.

    Solution: Aggressive use of the cash method of accounting could help defer some of the tax hit if the note would hypothetically sell at a large discount on the market. Be sure to document examples of note sales to back your position!

    Even better, use lease options (L/O's). Taxation on the option consideration should be deferred (even for dealers) on well-structured L/O's. Lease payments are included in income as received. Sale proceeds are taxed if and when the option is exercised. To ensure that a lease-option is not treated as a CFD/LC and taxed immediately, it must be carefully structured (That topic could easily fill another article.)

    For aggressive taxpayers, L/O's with low exercise rates may avoid Dealer status altogether. Basically, the taxpayer could argue that the options are present to attract good tenants, as opposed to good buyers, and that few of the tenants in fact exercise their options. Viola, few sales and no intent to generate them! Overall, well-structured L/O's provide superior tax deferral opportunities when compared to CFD/ LCs. Of course, the tax benefits of L/O's must be weighed against any business or legal downside when compared to CFD/LC's….decisions, decisions!

    What not to do

    Last, but not least, some investors claim that less than five (or seven, or whatever) sales per year exempts one from Dealer status. Based on this theory, some investors create multiple entities and ensure that each entity conducts no more than five (or seven, or whatever) sales per year to avoid ever being classified as a Dealer.

    This technique is bogus from a legal standpoint. ONE sale with the intent to sell is all it takes to be a Dealer. No magical "safe-harbor" number exists. Upon audit, the IRS can look through the pretense of multiple "non-Dealers" and reclassify ALL of the transactions as Dealer sales… and levy the appropriate penalties.

    Whether one is a Dealer depends on intent. That intent is judged, in part, by the total number of deals done over time. For example, if you did one deal in year one and ten deals per year for the next ten years, the year one transaction would be treated as a Dealer transaction.

    I repeat. There is no minimum number of sales required to be a Dealer!

    In summary

    Dealers are treated much worse than Investors by Congress and the IRS;

    "Flippers" and most investors that regularly sell properties (regardless of number) for cash or on CFD/LC are Dealers;

    There is no "magic number" that makes you a Dealer- just one sale can be a Dealer sale if the necessary intent is present; and

    The well-planned use of L/O's and the aggressive use of the cash method of accounting can take some of the sting out of the Dealer rules.

  • DavidBrowne4th October, 2003

    Understood, well written ! !!!

    The no clear answer part makes understandable , why It is hard to find anyone that understands it.

    I think this would be great in Joel's article section for more exposure.

  • DaveREI4th October, 2003

    to make a long story short and get sound advice...P/M to DaveT on this site... best advice you can get on this matter
    On 2003-10-04 09:40, DavidBrowne wrote:
    I have been dealing RE for years. I read a long time ago the IRS would mark me as a dealer and keep all transactions in a 1/3 tax areana?? I asked my tax guy he doesn't know.
    This being federal I was hoping to get a responce from any classified "dealers" that are out there.
    The question being what is the outline that has earnd you this title??

  • DaveT4th October, 2003

    No need to PM me. John Hyre is a CPA, a Tax Attorney, and an investor. No one else, in my opinion, is in a better position to give a definitive answer.

    The issue is perfectly clear for flippers -- these activities are "dealer dispositions" from the very first deal.

  • gjones031618th May, 2004

    So let's say you're a flipper and there's no way to get around being a dealer...what's the best entity to have for being a dealer?

  • InActive_Account18th May, 2004

    Wow! I wish I had read this thread first. It would have saved me a lot of digging. That is a very lucid description.

    I'm wondering about one part:

    "Of course, the tax benefits of L/O's must be weighed against any business or legal downside when compared to CFD/LC's….decisions, decisions! "

    I was under the impression that they were superior in this arena (eviction vs. foreclosure, etc. )What "downside" exactly are you referring to?

  • DaveT19th May, 2004


    Let's try to keep this forum focused on income tax questions. I know that sometimes the tax questions overflow into other arenas, but I would like you to post those questions in the subject specific forums appropriate for your question.

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