
When renting out a SFH what appliances do you provide? I know appartments always have these things (stove, refrigerator). I assume that SFH's should as well. Am I right?

We recently purchased our first home to rent and appliances were included (stove, fridge, washer,dryer). Thanks for any help.



  • commercialking12th July, 2004

    Oddly enough this is very much a local matter. Here in Chicago, for example, on the north side apartments always come with appliances. On the south side of town they almost never do. Go figure.

    So the answer to your question is, it depends on what the other landlords in the immediate area do.

  • Bruce13th July, 2004


    CommericalKing is 100% correct; it depends on the market.

    With that said, if at all possible I do NOT provide appliances (excluding built in stove and dishwasher). If anything is going to break, it is the damn fridge. On the rare occassion that I provide the fridge, the lease states all repairs are the tenants responsiblity.

    Oddly enough, tenants are always leaving their washers and dryers behind. I can't ever figure that one out.

  • active_re_investor13th July, 2004

    One more angle...

    When you supply appliance you have the added maintenance and hassle factor. You also should consider the depreciation schedule as it is different for such items compared to the structure.

    It is normal that local practices dictate. I have had tenants who want to use their own refrig, etc.

    One other consideration is the flooring and the access. If the space if tight or the floors are hardwood you might supply appliances as a way to lessen the chance of damage because of movement and hook up issues. The plumbing for the refrig and washer are important issues when trying to limit water damage.

    I generally try to minimize the number of appliances I provide to that which is really necessary. Large homes rented to families normally need very little other then built in units because families have their own units. If someone really does need a refrig or something I will offer to buy it and raise the rent so that they own it after a period. This way I do not have to worry about the maintenance. They can leave it behind for no charge from me if they opt for that solution.


  • monkfish13th July, 2004

    I used to provide my tenants with everything, until one problematic tenant took my appliances (washer, dryer, refrigerator) during his move.

    He claimed he thought they were his. Common mistake, right? Give me a break.

    Then he changed his story and said he took them to make up for the money he was owed. He said my rents were too high and this is how he was compensating for his losses. Lunatic.

    I finally got the appliances back after I sicked the cops on him.

    After that episode, I provide tenants with nothing but a stove.

    It takes all kinds.

    Good luck.

  • kasm13th July, 2004

    Thanks for the replys. Your experience is invaluable to me since I am new to this, also I have never rented. I think I will call a few numbers in my local newspaper under 'houses for rent" and ask if they are investors and would be willing to talk to me. It never hurts to ask.

    Western PA

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