Anyone Tried This Ad?

Hello, all!

Ah, what a fine, fine day, fellow REIers.

Ok, being that I'm rather impatient, I ran an add in the paper to see what kind of response I'd get. It reads:

Facing Foreclosure? I buy houses. Pretty ones, ugly ones. Any kind!

Hopefully I get a few calls.

I'm about to write another ad that reads: Homes for sale. Seller financing. No banks!

Have the above adds worked for anyone?

OnTheWater cool grin


  • OnTheWater30th January, 2004

    Not even one person?

    Well, I ran the add; so when/if I get responses, I'll post the results!

    My idea is to get my phone ringing. Make subject-to offers; then my next add may read something to the effect of: Homes For Sale. Seller Financing -No Banks!

    The seller financing should allow me to flip the properties and get the $.



  • OnTheWater30th January, 2004

    Ok, one last shot.

    Does anyone try any ads even remotely similar? And if you have, have you had a good return?



  • OnTheWater4th February, 2004

    Hey, all!

    Ok, today is the first day that my add has appreared. Maybe I'll even get a call today!

    I'm running it for three weeks. I'll let you know what happens.



  • deblica4th February, 2004

    What kind of response did you get from your ad? Inquisitive minds want to know.

  • pejames4th February, 2004

    Hello Onthewater,
    You might get a better response in the Marketing Forum. Just a thought. BTW, I like it!! Hope it works, I would like to know if it does!!

  • Hawthorn5th February, 2004

    This type of ad should be seen as a support to all your other marketing activities.
    Your ad is a good ad. You will get your share of responses, but realistically don't expect your phone to be ringing off the hook. There are a ton of other things you need to do to attract motivated sellers. A typical motivated seller who reacts to these ads, places at least 3 to 4 calls to different investors.
    The difference will be what they hear on the phone when they dial your number.
    Plan to run this ad for at least 6 months, and try to adjust the wording from time to time. You will find that this helps somewhat.
    Happy investing.

    Luctor et Emergo [ Edited by Hawthorn on Date 02/05/2004 ]

  • MsNelson5th February, 2004

    I like the ad also, Patience my friend and that's coming from someone selling in NY. one of the hardest places in the world to sell real estate just starting out.

    Best Wishes

    Ms. Nelson

  • tinman17555th February, 2004

    I run ads like that for buyers, I get alot of calls with "buy this house zero money done" I don't run ads to buy houses


    One other thing you had better be able to do what you say in an ad.

    real estate investor since 1988. I like to find creative solutions for my real estate headaches before they become problems. Most importantly, MOVEMENT DOES NOT EQUAL PRODUCTIVITY[ Edited by tinman1755 on Date 02/05/2004 ]

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