Anyone Own Self Storage Business?

Got a piece of I-1zoned lot that would be great for a Self Storage facility. Anyone dabbled in this venture or has any comments?


  • woodsong27th October, 2005

    I moved this thread to the deals in progress forum since the development forum was the wrong place. I sent you a PM about this property. a guy i know here in ATL is actually looking for a property to do a self-storage facility and may be willing to deal.

  • ashwin1st November, 2005

    Have you registered lien with the county recorder ? if yeas, then there will be record of it and when the lender look at the title serch it will show. If you have not recorded the lien, then I do not know how you will be protected when somebody else will buy.

    If you want to buy it then probabaly lender will finance it based on purchase price plus rehab expenditure amount, and not the fair market value of the property after rehab. For getting financed that amount I think you are better of with the tenants in.

    i do not see why the joint account with your partner
    should create a problem.

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