Anyone Own Any Parking Lots?

I am thinking of buying a vacant lot in the area and turning it into a parking lot. The area is in need of significant parking so I have a warm and fuzzy about the potential cashflow/tenancy issues. Just wondering if anyone has tried this? Thanks ya'all. cool grin


  • samedwin23rd October, 2003

    My granfather tried this one time. He ended up with a big legal hastle with the city. There was a run down house where he wanted the lot. He ended up selling it, and nothing came of the property. Check with the city to get the low down on making it a lot before you buy. Oh, see how the prop. is zoned, too.

  • ahabion23rd October, 2003

    hey dude,

    that sounds like a cool idea and its something that i've been thinking about too. I guess that since its your lot you can post PRIVATE PROPERTY and charge people to park. Also i would think that a lot of people are concerned about the security of their car, so some fencing, guards, or what-not would be an added "advertisement" for the parking lot. I know in Tampa (use to live there) they have the clubbing district which is always swarmed on the weekends and they are always in desperate need of parking close by the clubs and bars.

    But ne way Sounds like a good plan, i'm sorry i didnt help you find out anything but i hope that i was atleast a bit encouraging. GO FOR IT


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