Anyone Knows Good Collection Attorneys In Texas?

I know this is a bit off topic, but I've seen many users from Texas on this board, and I am wondering if someone knows a good collection attorney, preferably in Galveston area. If you do, please PM me. Thanks a lot in advance.


  • JohnMerchant20th December, 2003

    FYI, few if any lawyers would list their specialties as "collection attorneys" but typical commercial collection, or "sworn account" as it's called in TX is a simple matter and doesn't take just a whole lot of experience or skill to handle.

    Just make some calls from your Yellow Pages and talk to some lawyers and you'll find a taker at an agreed fee.

  • compwhiz20th December, 2003


    I have to disagree with you. Texas is debtor's HEAVEN, and it is extremely HARD to collect debt from someone who lives in Texas. I have a mortgage broker who skipped with my funds from Illinois to Texas, and even though I have a judgement against that person and the corporate entity, I've yet try to figure out how to collect it. I've tried to contact different lawyers in Texas, but so far I have not found anyone who's willing to take up collection, especially on contingency basis.

  • Lufos20th December, 2003

    Dear CompWiz,

    You failed to list the vital ingredient in the employment of an attorney. A small check to start. I know, I know he should only get it at the end. But like so many things one gets in the end. It may not be a happy occasion. So you tender at your moment of employment a small check. Enough to pay for the gas to record his assignment of your Judgement.

    Now remember collections are difficult in Texas. Most of the inhabitants have guns and can actualy use them. Yes even load them. I mean look at that poor General Santa Anna, all he was trying to do was evict a possle of drunks from the Alamo. Man, now that was a fire fight.

    So please a little mordito to begin, If the occasion becomes hostile and heaven forbid the attorney does not survive, at least the check will be of some comfort to his widow.

    Do hope this has been helpful, I so admire Texas. Especialy that lovely area around Dalhart , resembles downtown Tikret in Iraq.

    Helpfully Lucius

  • sanjosee20th December, 2003

    If you already have a judgment, I would suggest looking for a judgment specialist & do a 50/50 split of what they collect instead of attorneys. They attorneys end up using these guys anyway why not deal with them directly.

  • compwhiz20th December, 2003

    Yes, I've seen those. Problem is I'd rather get 2/3s instead of 50%. Heck, my judgement only included actual loses plus court costs, the judge refused to award punitive damages, so I will be losing money on it regardless if I collect. Of course, 50% is better than nothing, but before I resort to 50%, I wanna see if I can somehow retain more of my stolen money if it's recovered.

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