Anyone Interested In Mentoring?

Looking for someone to provide training in exchange for profit sharing.

Two forms:

1) Mentors: Successful investors, local preferred, but phone training would be acceptable too if long distance.

2) Professionals with training programs, online classes, books, cd, etc whatever, with SUPPORT.

To make it clear, I would be willing to split my profits on xx deals (to be negotiated) in exchange for your time and effort, instead of simply giving you $995, $1995, etc.. once for some books and CDs.

If the first xx deals net you $40000, so be it, that would be the cost of my training and would be well worth it to me.

Im quite unhappy with a certain individuals REI program ( no one on this site that i know of ) and his "upsells" to get what "you really need" to be successful.

Any takers?

pm me.


  • joel10th December, 2003

    Look in the Groups area first. That should be the first place you look for mentors, as they know about your area better than anybody else on TCI.

  • cs287010th December, 2003

    Have been there and also to the local investors club.

    Havent had any luck so far, everyone seems to be too "busy" to mentor.

    Thought I would give it a go here.

  • SteveCook10th December, 2003

    I'm going to comment as a person who gets this type of offer often, and hopefully you can get something out of it.

    The problem with your offer if you came to me is this, what if I do my part and spend a ton of time with you and you never do a deal? What is in it for me? Believe me when I tell you that the greatest thanks someone can give me is to use what I teach, and not waste my time. But most people will waste the time of the mentor.

    What is in it for the teacher if you don't use what you are taught? Do you want them to actually do the deal and then give you half the profits for showing you how (this is what most people want)? I'm not suggesting that this is what you are proposing but often it is what investors propose.

    This is what I do these days. I do ask for the student to give me money up front. Enough to keep them commited. When they do their first deal I'll give them their money back and then take half of the profits. If they never do a deal, then it was their decision. I can assure you that when I teach, I don't hold back, if the student doesn't do a deal it lies within them, not the lack of my dedication.

    This is not a solicitation for mentoring, I do not want more students at the moment. But it is something that a "good" teacher may be open to hearing.

  • cs287011th December, 2003

    I can understand that... but also, there are plenty of people that drop a wad of cash on a course (thousands) and then never do a deal either. So im not so sure that cash is that much of a motivation. Some people will just never do a deal. I will do a deal. I wont be that person. Im not going to explain my motivation here, but if we were to talk on the phone u would quickly understand that I wont be one of those people. So to anyone considering my offer, i guess you will have to take my word for it for now, and if we talk on the phone, Im sure you would then be comfortable with devoting your time and efforts. I look at it as a way for you to expand your efforts into a new territory without being there. Kind of a mini franchise

  • TRAVELHUNI11th December, 2003

    My local REI club has their own "boot camp" at a greatly reduced tuition from many of the guru's out there. I plan on taking it when next offered in the spring. I've heard nothing but rave reviews, hands-on training plus plenty of contacts. Does your club have such a thing?

  • Tedjr11th December, 2003

    Be glad to be your mentor for evan a small piece of the action. I have done hundres of deals and am sure I can help you a lot. What kind os deals are you looking at? How much cash or credit do you have? I have done 0 down deals and paid all cash and rehabs and condo conversions and bought 100's of units to hold in a down market. How may I help?


    Hope this helps some

    Ted Jr

  • cs287012th December, 2003

    TravelHuni, no we dont have that here, wish we did!

  • cs287012th December, 2003

    Ted, sounds great! shoot me some contact info in a PM, and ill get in touch with you asap!!

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