Anyone In Buffalo? Rep A L/O For Us. Will Pay

Hi, had our home sold and then the buyer had a massive heart attack. He's alive (which is good) but the deal is dead. We moved to Citus co fla. (we made it John), props are not moving quick in Buff but winter and heat bills are on the way. thought the L/O might be a good idea. how do we do a L/O from fla with
the property in Buffalo. Any idea who or what kind of agency would rep this for us? dont have friends there that are savy in this area. thanks for any help.


  • ceinvests2nd November, 2004

    Have you searched members yet and sent emails to all in your needed area?
    Lots of them registered who do not check in daily.
    I just discovered that feature yesterday!

    This is a clear violation of TCI rules - Sending email like this to TCI members will cause you to be removed from the forum.
    Do not do this!

    John Michael
    [ Edited by JohnMichael on Date 11/03/2004 ]

  • rubbertoes2nd November, 2004

    Thanks for the response. NO! I was not aware of that feature. Hope I can find it easy enough. Best regards, Wendy

  • JohnMichael3rd November, 2004

    On 2004-11-02 11:07, ceinvests wrote:
    Have you searched members yet and sent emails to all in your needed area?
    Lots of them registered who do not check in daily.
    I just discovered that feature yesterday!

    This is a clear violation of TCI rules - Sending email like this to TCI members will cause you to be removed from the forum.
    Do not do this!

    John Michael

  • rubbertoes3rd November, 2004

    Well i wrote to feed back to try and find out after a member suggested finding members emails and was instructed how to do it but no one said that I souldn't do it! that was why I asked.
    Sorry, but I was trying to cma and was apparently given the wrong info. Sorry again. But out of cureosity why are their email addresses listed?

  • JohnLocke3rd November, 2004


    There is a line that must be drawn between spamming members and asking someone a question in a private message or email. I believe this is what John Michael is saying.

    Even though the emails are listed one should use caution in what they send out to fellow members.

    If someone considers they were spammed and reports it then the member who did this is subject to being jailed or banned from the site should it be proven it was a spam message.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • ceinvests3rd November, 2004

    I'm sorry Wendy.

    I have read the rules 2 or 3 times and cannot understand what this means.

  • JohnLocke3rd November, 2004


    Let me put it this way , when you receive un solicited e-mail or a private message this is called spamming using the following examples.

    If you send an e-mail or private message saying "I am looking for Bird Dogs, I have funds available to loan, I purchase notes, etc. then this is spam an is not allowed.

    Now I receive many e-mails and private messages, however they are from members who are asking for advice, which I have no problem with.

    Common sense will dictate what you are trying to accomplish when you e-mail or private message someone as to whether you are spamming or are sincere in your message.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • ceinvests3rd November, 2004

    Thank you, John.
    I am clearer, but not clear.

    I thought spamming was sending out multiple emails to sell or entice for gain. Is there a definition or example on the site? I really must be a newbie!!

    In Wendy's case, it appeared that she had a real situation that needed connection to solve.

    So, if I understand you correctly, even though this is a forum to share info, it is ok to send you an email to ask for info.
    It is not ok to ask you if you know of a specific service.
    Just when I am feeling comfortable sharing and asking, I notice my hands are trembling with uncertainty.

    What feels really strange to me is that I sent a few emails out in the last few days and now I feel like I have violated something I still don't understand.


  • JohnMichael3rd November, 2004


    ADVERTISING Soliciting members through Forum posts*, Private Messages or Email for deals, leads, properties or investors; Soliciting members by advertising your products or services through Forum posts*, Private Messages or Email; Advertising commercial websites through Forum posts* unless the subject matter of the website is responsive to another poster's inquiry. *NOTE: this includes material in your "signature".

    The title of your post states Anyone In Buffalo? Rep A L/O For Us. Will Pay

    Is this not advertising?


    You said:

    Have you searched members yet and sent emails to all in your needed area?

    Sending an email to all members in your state/area would be spam.

    Soliciting members is a violation.

    Sending an email to me or any other member to confirm a question and or an answer is not Spam.

    Normally I would just delete this post - but this is a good one that came in just under the wire.

    TCI rules are for the protection of all.

  • rubbertoes3rd November, 2004

    I'm still not sure I get it. I have one prop that I need one person to do a L/O for me on. I'm in fla now and the prop is in Buffalo area. I emailed about 4 people in that area if they could help....and I checked with feeedback about emailing people.
    what, we can't ask each other for help.
    4 people = spamming???

  • JohnLocke3rd November, 2004

    As in some posts a Moderator must make a judgement call on certain posts as some can be looked on either way.

    The title of the post indicated advertsing, however the content of the post I believe is sincere in Wendy needing help with this property and asking where she can find help.

    In my judgement I felt the post was boderline and I thought I would rather rule on the side of seeing if someone can help Wendy with information than deleting the post.

    As I have said before every Moderator at TCI came from the ranks and was chosen to moderate, so the members here must remember that someday they may be chosen to moderate.

    So keep in mind when you post the rules and policies here at TCI and are your posts within the guidelines?

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • JohnLocke3rd November, 2004


    Let me give you a little word of caution in selecting someone to help you.

    I was reading a post this evening and under the person's name was "Short Sale Master".

    I went to this persons profile and saw they were a Mortgage Broker, Re Habber, Bird Dog, etc. and it got me to thinking of all the posters who have e-mailed me for help after they were hustled out of their money or properties by a poster on this board and asked for my help.

    Remember this is an open forum and sometimes what do we really know about a person who claims to be the King, Queen or Master of anything when they offer to help you or give advice?

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • LeaseOptionKing4th November, 2004

    I guess CommercialKing and I should have chosen better names. :(

  • rubbertoes4th November, 2004

    Ceinvests, I appreciate the that you were only trying to help me. I changed the Heading of my post by adding "Will Pay" after not getting any responses to my original post. I thought I was being "creative" rather than just puttting the prop back on the market and paying utilitiy bills until it sold. Still not sure how trying to find one person to help with one property is spam and I think that you and John realize that. Still haven't heard from any that can help and don't want to continue to create turmoil here. Thanks for trying to help.
    John, I think you understand and have been helpful to me in the past. Thanks, Wendy

  • JohnLocke4th November, 2004


    No problem at all unless one of the King's changes their name to Queen's.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • kfspropertymanagement5th November, 2004

    Buffalo my neck of the woods I know what you mean by the heat in the winter Thankfuly I sitched all my houses over to the equal pay plan . If you need help, pm me

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