Anyone here got the Lonnie books?

I was just wondering if anyone had these and what you thought about them?

Also, isnt Deals on Wheels a revised version of the 1st one, so do you need them both or just the one?



  • adius8th February, 2003

    I would recommend it. The book has lots of great advice and workable formulas that can be applied to other things besides Mobile Homes. For $30, thats a cheap price.

    You will only need the revised(updated) edition.

  • InActive_Account8th February, 2003

    I recommend that you get both of Lonnie's books.

  • MarkB8th February, 2003

    So I take it you all have them both then?

    I just figured that one was just a revised version of the other so if you got the new you essentially had the other one.

    BTW, since you have them, tell me what do you think of them, and have you done any Lonnie deals? and how long have you had them?

    Mark B

  • Future-Multi-millionaire12th March, 2003

    I paid $70 for both books. Lonnie includes the cd with all the legal forms you’ll need and you’ll also receive a tape set. The 2nd book Making money with mobile homes talks about applying the system from deals on wheels to work with higher priced homes doublewides. He also dispels the you can’t do it where I live myth.

    I highly recommend you purchase both books. You can purchase his whole system for $189.00

  • Bigmagic12th March, 2003

    Are Lonnies's books available in ebook form? If you have them how are you doing with his methods?

  • Future-Multi-millionaire13th March, 2003

    Bigmagic I like your style put us on the spot get that knowledge

    !No e books by Lonnie

    My problem is I have no money LOL! I know it’s a cope out and yes I remember what Lonnie said in Deals on wheels on how to get money. Lonnie said go to an investor explain what you are doing and sell part of the note. Give the down payment to the investor and let him keep the first (might as well be a years worth) 10 months or so of the rent. After the investor is paid off split the rest of the rent each month for the remainder of the note (2yrs). Personally I don’t want split any profit from my future mobile home purchases. I’m greedy like that an I don’t want to wait 10 months to get paid. That’s why I’m focusing on creating a strong wholesale and short sale business. I’ll reinvest the profits back into mobile homes.

    The facts are either you have 2K-3K down or you are going to be splitting profits with other investors for a long a $ $ time!
    [ Edited by Future-Multi-millionare on Date 03/13/2003 ]

  • Bigmagic14th March, 2003

    Hey Future! I have a sister in Hampton, maybe we can do a Lonnie deal sometime. If he hasn't already done them all that is . (He lives in Va. doesn't he?)

  • Future-Multi-millionaire14th March, 2003

    He lives in Chesapeake VA

    Lonnie actually taught the guy who is his biggest competitor and they have even partnered on some deals

    You have to have a glass is have full not have empty type of mentality for this type of thing. There are no shortages of distressed home/mobile homeowners.

    I appreciate the offer but recommend you get the books and start in your own area first before you venture out here.

    You want to partner with somebody who has what you don't! All I have to offer you at this point in the game is book knowledge and loads of encouragement.

    However you have me curious shot me a private message when you get the chance. I'm willing to do the foot work if somebody fronts funds.

  • Bigmagic14th March, 2003

    Hey Future, I should probably say that I attended Thorpe Junior High and Hampton High School in Hampton! GO Crabbers. I know a little about the area (5 and 1/2 years there). I will contact you privately who knows maybe we'll do a deal or talk about the old Peppermint Beach Club in VA. Beach. I loved it out there ! [ Edited by Bigmagic on Date 03/15/2003 ]

  • Bigmagic14th March, 2003

    [ Edited by Bigmagic on Date 03/15/2003 ]

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