Anyone Heard Of.......???

Wes-State Mortgage? What's the skinny on this Mortgage Loan Brokering Company?

I got a mailer from them and they said they can set up a loan brokering partnership without any licensing. It's probably too good to be true but I'd Figure I'd research it. Anyone have anything good (or bad) to say?

Please advise!
Thanks in advance!


  • Lufos5th April, 2004

    In Calif it can be done. If you work direct for a mortgage co. or straight lender you can come under Corp. If not you are supposed to be licensed under a RE. License.

    Check it with great care and post which way they go and what kind of a deal they offered you. Do you get part of the back end points? Etc. etc.

    Cheers Lucius. 8-) 8-)

  • commissiononly6th April, 2004

    I'm in the mtg. biz (10 yrs) and I avoid these types of operations and offers like the plague. I've never heard of wes state maybe they're different but I would'nt want to find out. The most important fundamental key to success in a mortgage loan is absolute control of the transaction, the more hands in a file the more that can go wrong and usually does. the few points an buyer pays a professional mtg loan officer with a proven track record for closing deals in a timely manner is more than worth the horror stories you'll get to tell, think long and hard----C

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