Anyone Have Example Introduction Letters?

I am inheriting tenants with my first property and I was wondering if anyone had an example introduction letter that I can use as reference. This is a side-by-side duplex and I will be living on one side. There is a family with kids on the other side and I was hoping to somehow convey some kind of policies in the introduction letter regarding kids toys in the yard, and the work that will be done on the property to inprove the quality of life etc. etc. I just posted a number of questions as well regarding inherting tenants and would like to try to address some of these concerns in this letter. I appreciate any input and an example letters I might use. Thanks.


  • joespine16th September, 2005

    Here is one we use. Seems to get things off on the right foot, and we include a business card with magnet for the tenant to hang on their fridge with out contact info: Hope this helps:

    As you may already know, the building where you live has been sold. __ Property Management is now managing your building at ____Street, and we wish to welcome you by answering a few questions you must have. First of all, find the enclosed magnet which shows our contact information. You may choose to hang this magnet on your refrigerator for easy access to our phone numbers.

    When you have a moment, please fill out the enclosed “Tenant Information Sheet,” so that we have your contact information for our records. Please also include contact information for ANYONE who may need to gain access to your unit. If we are unable to reach you, and someone calls us to let them inside your unit, we cannot let them in for any reason unless they are listed on this sheet. You may either return this form to us in the envelope provided, or we can pick it up on Saturday, January 17th when we come to visit your building.

    We know that when a building changes hands, tenants usually feel some apprehension. We would like to clear the air by letting you know what you can expect in the future;

    DEPOSITS . . . One special concern you must have is regarding your security deposit. We just want you to know that your security deposit of $_______________ has been transferred to us by the previous owner.

    PAYMENTS . . . It is preferred that you pay your rent by check or money order in order for us to have a record of your payment. However, we will also accept cash for your portion of the rent, and we will give you a recepit for cash at the time of pick up.

    PROMPT PAYMENT . . .You are expected to pay your rent on the first (1st) of every month, and on the fifth day after the due date, your rent payment will be considered late. For example, rent due on the first (1st) must be paid by the fifth (5th) at the very latest. If you anticipate being late beyond that for any reason whatsoever, please let us know beforehand so that we can make special arrangements with you. If you don’t, we’ll assume that you are deliberately avoiding payment, and we will immediately serve you with a notice which starts the eviction process.

    MAINTENANCE . . .We expect you to pay your rent promptly, and you can expect us to respond promptly to maintenance issues or problems. Water leakage is the biggest enemy to a home, and these issues need IMMEDIATE attention, so please call whenever you see water leaking. Remember, calling us to come and fix any problem in your unit will NOT result in an increase in your rent. We want to make sure that we are providing you with a clean and safe enviroment to live.

    RENTAL AGREEMENT . . .Your old rental agreement/lease that you signed with _____ still applies and we will honor all terms of your lease until it expires, at which time we will re-negotiate a new lease with you.

    We are reasonable people and we will try anything within reason to make living here enjoyable, and most of all, SAFE for you and your family. However, we will need your help. If we get it, we will get along well together and we can all take pride in this place you call home.


  • lakotega14th September, 2005

    The HA told me on the phone and left it on a message. That is why I am so confused -- the contract states that the family IS responsible! ???

  • edmeyer14th September, 2005

    I have had the Housing Authority change their portion of the support, but the total amount I receive remains the same since it is the contractual amount in the lease between me and my tenant. In some cases, the lease period is over and the leases become month-to-month according to CA (and most other states) law. The Housing Authority has not tried to dictate rent reductions on these either.

    We have had a reduction in the maximum rent that the Housing Authority will allow, but it does not alter what is in place for existing tenants.

  • mikejaquish14th September, 2005

    I think I would be a member of my local RE investors group immediately.
    Someone there has a load of knowledge regarding Section 8 operations.

  • krish15th September, 2005

    Hi Mike,
    Can you help me with details on the Triangle area
    RE club?

    I see there are ones in Raleigh.


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