Anyone Have Any Dealing With

I recently paid to become an affiliate of for my county. The promises of good, qualified, informative leads and the professional looking website they had brought me to try this as an extra form of marketing. They charge $147.00 start up fee and then a monthly charge.

In over two weaks of being with them they have emailed me only two leads. Both were not even in my area and the worst part is that both leads consisted of solely an email address. There was no other info provided which I don't even consider a lead.

I have since emailed this group repeatedly regarding my dismay about the quality of their leads and have yet to have anyone respond. I have requested a refund of my monies but have gotten no response at all.

Has anyone dealt with this organization that could provide any info on this. I appreciate any help given.



  • JohnLocke10th July, 2004


    I believe I know the owner of this site, if it is the same person I know, he is an honorable person and will stand behind what he does.

    I called his house and left a message, but I believe he is on vacation right now, however I can assure you I will find out for you.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • dealfinder10th July, 2004


    I appreciate your efforts. I realize that two weeks is not a long time in terms of any marketing campaign. This is not what I am so much concerned about.

    What I am concerned about is the quality of the lead. I belong to another similar group and the leads are pretty thorough. They include names, phone numbers, address of the property, the least the owner is thinking about selling for, the estimated value of the property, email address, and motivation for selling. In this type of lead you are ready to talk intelligently with a prospective Seller.

    The leads so far from this group have only an email address. There are no names, addresses, phone numbers, or any other info. This is the problem.

    Thanks, John, for any help you will be able to give.


  • trandle11th July, 2004

    You will receive a full refund. I don't have the time or desire to attempt to defend the service, which numerous folks are very pleased with, as I'm on vacation and stuck with dialup currently after being out of commission for two days.

    Your "repeated emails" is way overstated. I'm sorry you didn't get an immediate response as I typically do, but it is the weekend and I am on vacation.

    Again, your refund will be forthcoming.

  • dealfinder14th July, 2004


    I was unaware that you were on vacation and that is an understandable reason that you were unable to reply to the emails.

    It is refreshing to see a person such as yourself that is honorable and refunds individuals who are not satisfied with the service. PayPal notified me of the full refund and I wish to thank you. I'm sure that there are folks that use your site that are, in fact, pleased with what they received from it. The site was not for me and you stood up to the pump and took care of it. I thank you again.

    I also appreciate the response of John$Cash$Locke and his assistance.


  • OnTheWater15th July, 2004


    I've used a Web-based service before, and I've always got the best results from looking through the foreclosure list at my realtor's office, county office and newspaper, but you know how I get the majority of our deals? Word of mouth and simply by being on and around our properties.

    Sure, a Web-based service is a fine additional tool to use, but let it not become your only tool.

    Those are my two cents.



  • MicahM15th July, 2004


    I've heard most realtors aren't too friendly with investors. How did you find one who would work with you? Word of mouth?

  • OnTheWater22nd July, 2004


    I just started calling around, and I also would buy one property, then I'd buy another, and on the latter I'd ask that they finance their commission.



  • ZNICK23rd October, 2004

    I use too, and was lucky to get a county with them.

    After a couple of weeks he sent me free magnet ads for my car, and I've recieved an average of 1-3 leads a week. Good leads... I don't care about quantity, I care about quality.

    I don't imagine the original poster used the quickoffer address on his business cards signs or ads, or he would have been a lot happier.

    I'm considering a 2nd county, and I would highly suggest others use this service as well.


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