Anyone Ever Heard Of James Smith's Training?

Anyone ever heard of James Smith's Real Estate investing program
I just got back from seminar where he was the last speaker
He offers a three day program for 4000.00 and
3000.00 if you sign up on the spot



  • creativeinvestor50312th December, 2004

    actually i just came back from a seminar myself tonight....hmmm at first i thought the guy was really cool, very different than the rest, he stood out in a different way. I was thinking about getting the 3 day workshop for 3,000 or the 3 day with personal one-on-one training for 6,000. I was tempted, but this guy seems so off the wall that some stuff is hard to believe. I mean he says that he has made tons of financial independent people, and that he knows tons of famous stars and what not... He sure got me hooked and I had to think really hard about it. These guys are great salesman. their job is to get us hooked. I was pretty close to signing up and my girlfriend was goin to give me the money to go...but i've never heard of this guy either....u would think someone that is big in the real estate world, would be more famous....any insight anyone has on James Smith would be greatly appreciated.

  • connections12th December, 2004

    I dont know who he is but I can tell you from personal experiece that before you spend that kind of money be absolutely sure about him and what you are getting. In 1998 there was a guy in Nashville Tn. that everyone said was the Guru worth 5 million at age 35 had hundreds of properties , had been in our local paper etc. I paid $3800.00 to do a private seminar with him and was suppose to have unlimited acess to him as a mentor. It was a complete waste of time and a year later no one could find him because he dissapeared.
    I own a courier business also which he started using and I had to file warrants to try and get the money he owed us. No one has seen him in quite a www.while.If I was going to spend that kind of money again I would go with a nationally recognized name. George

  • sommersc20th December, 2004

    I have heard of James Smith and I have to attest to his knowledge and what he has to offer. I too was skeptical last March when my husband signed us up for a 3 day course. I had read all of the horror stories about the "experts" who don't really do real estate, but charge high fees for seminars.

    The 3 day training course was outstanding and taught me so much, but just enough to be dangerous. At the end of the 3 days, of course there was a pitch for personal training, mentorships and such. They were not high pressure and even admitted that everything that they do could be learned on our own.

    Well, we rolled the dice and signed up for the personal training and the mentorship. It has been great. It gaves us the jump start to actually get out there and do it, rather than sitting here hiding behind books and trying to learn without doing. Any body can do this without the high priced training, but James Smith's group was patient and cared enough to help guide us through it. grin

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