Anyone Ever Deal With Household Finance On A S/S?

I have this deal that was just reffered over to me. Thelady was in foreclosure,just prior to sale,then filed chapter 13,now is in default because she never made 1st bk pmt to www.trustee.Now the property is in horrible shape,a big tree has fallen on the side of the house from one of the hurricanes we had,And the house is just in sad shape.she owes around $150k should be worth aprox 170k rehabbed with about 10-15k into.How could I get household to Short sale?Any help would be greatly appreciated

[ Edited by advfunding on Date 10/12/2004 ][ Edited by advfunding on Date 10/12/2004 ]


  • Apprentice2Him12th October, 2004

    Check with FEMA to see if they will give help fixing if house is sold. FEMA/s website can be googled. They may give grants, or low interest loans to fix the house if in a hurricane area. It is worth asking.

    Take photos to bank when you go, proving need for short sale low value.

    Good luck

  • advfunding12th October, 2004

    Hi Dan
    Thank you for the www.response.I did take thing with fema is.........they are hard to get to release any funds.Have you or any one you know ever dealt with household finance on a short sale?

  • roboxking12th October, 2004

    Household finance are only a few steps to Hard money lenders. May be difficult, unless it is clear that they will lose.

  • bogie712912th October, 2004

    Another thing you might look into with FEMA is a business loan, I believe they are @ 2.5%. If you registered with FEMA recently the information will be in the registration package they sent.

    Worth a shot,

  • advfunding12th October, 2004

    Thank you for the advice.
    Leon grin

  • whyK-CA14th October, 2004


    I am dealing with Household now. (Not S/S) Could you explain what you mean by "Household fiance are only a few steps to Hard money lenders."?

    Thanks in advance.

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