Anyone Else....

Has any one used another company besides Lexington Law to repair their credit and if so how did it go? oh oh


  • nebulousd19th November, 2003

    They are a non-profit organization

  • nebulousd19th November, 2003

    I've never had to repair my credit, but I refer my sellers and buyers to them if they need help.

  • chaynes19th November, 2003

    how has the turn around been for them?

  • Birdoggin4u19th November, 2003

  • nebulousd19th November, 2003

    Good, they have good programs and can have things cleaned up in as little as 3 months...

  • flacorps19th November, 2003

    If you peruse the discussion groups on the following, you can learn how to do it yourself:

  • Steena21st November, 2003

    With the right letters, and a plan you can do it yourself. It will save you lots of money, time, and I guarantee you will understand credit so much more when you are done. I've done it myself. It works.

  • chaynes21st November, 2003

    well the public record goes with a foreclosure, how do you dispute a foreclosure with the credit bureaus?

  • classimg21st November, 2003

    As for public record items, mother 'TIME' is the answer. We believe the waiting period for lenders on average could be 2-3 years.

    Meanwhile, credit scores and positive trade lines could report positive information.

    Eric & Rosa

  • bigpoppa91126th November, 2003

    I use they do a great job and are very professional. I know how to do it myself but would the cost to me justifies the time I save with them taking care of it for me.

  • chaynes27th December, 2003

    On 2003-11-26 22:48, bigpoppa911 wrote:
    I use they do a great job and are very professional. I know how to do it myself but would the cost to me justifies the time I save with them taking care of it for me.

    Can you tell me how they were able to help your credit, like provide a margin where your credit score went higher?

  • serenitybreeze30th December, 2003

    Actually, it is possible to get public records deleted, without ever telling an untruth - you simply dispute the inaccurate portions of the record - believe me, credit reports contain so many errors, that it isn't hard to find something to dispute. The wording of the dispute is important, and you can't send them any docs, but done correctly, you can get these deleted.

    On 2003-11-21 15:35, classimg wrote:
    As for public record items, mother 'TIME' is the answer. We believe the waiting period for lenders on average could be 2-3 years.

    Meanwhile, credit scores and positive trade lines could report positive information.

    Eric & Rosa

  • Steena1st January, 2004


  • flacorps1st January, 2004

    On 2003-12-30 14:21, serenitybreeze wrote:
    Actually, it is possible to get public records deleted, without ever telling an untruth What (other than your own conscience) is the problem with an untruth in this situation? The Bible says thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor (a pretty low standard ... it's not don't lie, it's don't lie to get someone else in trouble). The philosopher Immanuel Kant is the guy who tried to introduce "don't lie under any circumstances".

    In short, tell a CRA anything you can to get an item off your report. Start with "not mine" ... the all-purpose deletion strategy. Don't admit it's yours right off the bat if denying its yours has a chance of getting it off. You can always use other strategies later, but failing to use "not mine" first forecloses that opportunity for some period of time, whereas if you use it first, then attack other aspects of the negative TL (if it sticks on your report), you can circle back around to "not mine" after a half dozen disputes and allowing some cooling off time.

    If a creditor can't verify, "not mine" is as effective as anything else, if not more effective.

    Don't let a misplaced sense of the morality or legality of the situation keep you from using the straightest and pointiest arrow in your quiver. Nobody's looking over your shoulder on disputes with the CRAs. [ Edited by flacorps on Date 01/01/2004 ]

  • serenitybreeze2nd January, 2004

    Hey, flacorps, it's me, breeze, from CB.

    What I tell folks to do is word it a certain way. So , let's say the discharge date is incorrect, or the filing date, or it says ch 13 when it was a ch 7... the dispute letter reads "I was very upset to read the misinformation Big-Bad Credit Bureau has been reporting about me. I have never had a bk 13 that was discharged in August 1998. Please correct this immediately, it is having a very bad effect on my life."

    I prefer to sound like a "non-credit-repairer" - at least initially. ; )

    I tend to agree with you, to some extent, that the unfairness of the entire system entitles individuals to shave a little off the truth here and there. But for the sake of those whose consciences are harder on them, or who still believe in the integrity of the system (is there anyone?), the way out is to use their (CRA's) mistakes to get items deleted early. Remember too, the law says items MAY (not must) remain on your report for 7 years.

    Anyone who doesn't hink this is true - get a copy of your report, and see how much of it is correct.

    [ Edited by serenitybreeze on Date 01/02/2004 ]

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