Anyone Else Trying To Get Spouse Interested?

I am 8 months pregnant, about to be unemployed with big liabilities.( brand new house, cars, kid...) i am trying to get spouse interested in helping to find preforeclosures -- which can be pretty time consuming -- so that we can start generating some income from it. He says he's interested but always finds a reason why not to get started. Anyone else have this problem? If so, how did you handle it? Also, how long did it take for you to close your first foreclosure?


  • InActive_Account24th February, 2004

    It may take a while for your husband to become motivated. He will realize after the birth of the child that he does not make enough to keep all the bills paid on his salary. In a preforeclosure you need to find motivated sellers who are not in denial that they will not lose their home. Realize that REI is a numbers business,the more offers you make the more you will have accepted. Do your 1st deal show your husband how much money you made,then give him a penny for his thought.

  • Apprentice2Him24th February, 2004

    I would think that having a baby under your arm as you deal with people about to lose their home would be an asset.

    Until he cries, of course.

    Seriously, there is a lot you can do to contribute to the family welfare while with child. People everywhere love a baby.

    Go for it! Then hubby will get the message when the green in is the bank!

    Dan[ Edited by Apprentice2Him on Date 02/24/2004 ]

  • raymo2824th February, 2004

    here's the thing you should be able to find the deals you want right from your computer. i've been home since july with a broken right leg. and i'm doing just fine.

    but i figure once you pull off your first deal and show your hubby how it works he'll change his tune.

    I've never done forclosures so i couldn't tell ya how long one typically takes. but if you need info on how to do this stuff from home just pm me i'll let ya know.

    That which does not kill us, only makes us stronger.-Nihtzche[ Edited by raymo28 on Date 02/24/2004 ]

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