Anybody Used The "Legal Credit Repair Center" / Jack Schrold?

Just wondering if anyone here has used the "Legal Credit Repair Center" or The Law Office of Jack Schrold for credit repair?

What were your opinion of his service and results?

Also, I see Lexington Law mentioned here frequently. Can someone who has actually used it let me know how they were?

Thanks! smile


  • Steena24th November, 2003

    I know this is not the answer you are looking for....but I must say that it will be so much cheaper and much more successful if you will learn to clean up your credit yourself. All they are going to do is mail some letters on your behalf. Why would you want to pay someone else to do this for you? It is exteremly easy. With a little research you can save hundreds of dollars.
    And that's all I've got to say about that....

  • joel24th November, 2003

    Read the first Credit Article that we have written.

  • rup24th November, 2003

    It's really more an issue of time verss money than anything else for me now. I am so busy that I don't have time to blink my eyes right now but I can afford to pay someone to do it for me.

    I can pay $50/ month to someone or I can spend 5 hours per month worth of my much more valuable time. So, if there is a reputable company that will do a good job on my behalf, it is much more economical to hire them to do it.

    Thus, I am seeking references on these firms.


  • Carlisle7th December, 2003

    Im looking on how to contact Mr. Schrold myself. I had a friend who used his services and it was successful.... unfortunately he doesnt still have the number... Im looking for the number now and I came across this post... so if you have the number... forward it please... thank you.
    Credit Repair Bound

  • InActive_Account7th December, 2003

    You might want to check this out. Do a search in Google for:

    "Fort Lauderdale Attorney Agrees to Settle Deceptive Credit Repair Charges"

  • TLHynicker7th December, 2003

    You might also want to read the book Credit After Bankruptcy: A Step-By-Step Action Plan to Quick and Lasting Recovery after Personal Bankruptcy
    by Stephen Snyder. even if your credit problems aren't from bankruptcy it has good things in to repair your credit.


  • vlynn0077th December, 2003

    Thanks for the info. Great article wonder what he is doing still operating after this article was written in April 1999. Glad I did not use those guys.

    I personally use Lexington Law and they have been very good at getting errors corrected in my credit report. Sure I could do it myself, but I much rather have my time to myself and have someone who knows what they are doing help me.
    I have gone from a fico score 427 to 556 in a little over a year. So I have no complaints from these guys. They follow up often and are always prompt to return my calls/emails.


  • prodx9th December, 2003

    I used Lexington Law firm for a few months and they did a wonderful job for me. Most of the negative items on my credit report were being reported incorrectly one way or another and they helped to correctly state those items or have them removed all together. The only bad thing was that Trans Union stopped allowing third party requests for investigations without a signed poewr of attorney. I ended up taking care of Trans Union myself. Lex Law charged 75 for setup and 35 monthly. I used them for 5 months and then cancelled when I didn't think they could help any further. I was very satisifed with their system and their websites.

  • rup9th December, 2003

    I just got my latest transunion FICO. In 4 months with LCRC, It has gone from 606 to 658.

    I will add the others when I get them.

  • Carlisle5th January, 2004

    Mr. Schrold is still working and still reparing credit. Fighting for us little guys.

  • InActive_Account5th January, 2004


    It is really pretty simple. You could easily spend less than 2 hours a month an do the exact same thing the Law firms and the repair companies are doing. however, how you spend your money is you business.

    I personally know two people that used Lexington and they had very good results. I did exactly what they were doing for my wife and her scores went from 546 to 660 in a 60 day period. It is still going now. She had filed a Ch. 7.

    It is possible to got straight, but only with persistance.

  • sbc21st January, 2004

    esuccess, did you use any particular guide or letter format to dispute the tradelines. I filed bk7 last march and got a discharged in July. I'm looking to clean up my credit and wanted to know how to begin.

  • makingaliving21st January, 2004

    I had a dispute on my credit that I took care of myself. I wrote a letter to the creditor. They in turn wrote me a letter that the correction had been ordered. My score went up significantly in just a month or two. Charge: 37 cents for the stamp...and maybe 1/2 hour of my time to write and mail the letter.

  • TomStewart17th April, 2004

    My only question to the-loanlady is how many companies are just not going to respond? Its not in there best interests not to. Or is it just not time worthy for them? Another thing, what are you supposed to state in the letter? Are you just supposed to ask them for proof or are you supposed to tell them that its not true?

  • Lufos17th April, 2004

    The Loan Lady has given the perfect advice. I have only one additional thought to add. I use a different color on each of the time envelops. Why, just a dumb way to suspense your future queries.

    We completed one in house for a Para Legal. Just completed Law School at night. Took the Bar and awaits in fear and trembling.

    To finance her sojourn at law school she took many many shortcuts. Between her child's demands, housing payments, food and stuff, she was sliding. Got a part time job in a Bar and shuffled like crazy. Needless to say her FICO scores dropped like a bomb from a B-52. Of course her grades at Law School were supper high. She has a feel for archaic and complicated writings. She is drawn to the pedantic.

    So after all of this living in the back of her car. Ever try to do your homework from the back seat of a VW Bug. So my wife and I moved her into the guest house. Which gave a little normality to her child and a pleasant change from the rolling movement of a small VW parked on a windy street.

    In the interests of maintaining the standards of the local bar, god knows they need it. We decided to clean up her credit act. So we devised a series of letters, veiled threats of future BK etc etc. In the space of six months of rather interesting correspondence she is out of debt. Cards are clean and the FICO at about 550 and climbing. If her Bar results are (Passed) she will take the oath, get the number and will join the staff of a large and cumbersome office of county legal employees. She will live in her own little house. Drive a larger more modern car then a 1969 Beetle. Who knows go to a movie, out to dinner or throw a catered occasion on her daughters next birthday party.

    All this from a do it yourself credit cleaning. My wife and I have promised her all of our divorces.

    She is a living testimonial to the saying, "The things you do, two by two, you pay for one by one." Kipling da Kipper.

    Cheers Lucius

  • tjbab26th April, 2004

    I would take the time and write the letters myself.

  • dags2nd June, 2004


  • moneygrubber6th June, 2004

    I used Lexington Law firm a year ago. They did what they said they would do. However, my credit scores went down after they got involved. I had the impression that they were basically sending out form letters and that the ex creditors did not like these form letters so they would put more stuff on your credit history to try and get YOUR attention. When I called their office, they obviously were not as interested in my case as I was. I had some incorrect information on my report that was causing me concern. It was not simple stuff like confusing my report with someone else, but rather things which resulted from what a predatory lender would do and then not admit it.

    Lexington Law did not help so I cancelled them and sent $400 to another law firm. They helped a little (they got the phone and address of who I should deal with, something I could not do on my own) but not very much. Definitely not $400 worth. Finally, I decided I would have to get involved myself. I spent a week writing letters and sending the letters Certified Return Receipt Requested and faxing copies of the letters to the recipients.
    Then I called them on the phone. (Yeah, I started Harassing them and waisting their time) That got their attention and they started removing items from my reports.
    The secret is that you cannot be nice.
    You do not have to be rude but DO NOT BE PLEASANT. You MUST take their name and tell them you will call back in 48 hours to follow up with them again.
    Call them back in 48 hours and start again until they send a letter saying it has been cleared up.

    It is hard work. I had hoped that Lexington law firm or the other law firm would do it instead of me but it did not happen. There is no substitute for you taking names.
    The frustrating part is that negative entries can be placed on your credit report without anybody asking you if it is correct or not. Kinda, sorta like your secret government file. :-o

  • HomeSelling15th June, 2004

    Here is the magic formula to do it yourself and i know because it is exactly what i did to take me score from 610 to over 700 in a few months.

    Go to PrivacyGuard and get a free 2 month trial with their service. They allow you to pull your credit report everyday.

    Then go to CreditBoards and spend a little time educating yourself. All the form letters are right there.

    All that is left is to mail out a few letters and check your report.

  • InActive_Account15th June, 2004

    Homeselling... congrats! You've got my results beat, but I'm not done yet!

  • tonydicorpo15th June, 2004

    I am a firm beleiver that yes, time is money however lexington will not fight for you; I am sure other cedit repair firms fall into this category too but not all-just my experience. Lexington only mails out letters on your behalf via standard US mail. Those types of disputes need to be sent CRRR, )certified, return rcpt requested, and tracked carefully. However, you must know how to do the process. If you want to take control of your credit, check out an awesome forum called creditnet; read the posts and join, ask questions. It's, as this forum is, very informative.

    Just an FYI, after being in that forum, I was able to get 17 deletions from my credit report in about 4mos time, all on my own. Most of the derogs were, yes correct but placed on the reports either incorrectly or maintained illegally by both the bureaus and the creditors. For instance, my credit rating on Equifax went from 515 in Aug 2003 to 645 in November 2003. And it cost me my time, learning the credit game and some CRRR mail fees. Know the FCRA and FDCPA! It's the rights of the consumer, you and I! I'd highly reccommend doing it on your own.

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