Anybody Heard Of These People?

Cash Flow Generator is having a 'free' conference where I'm at this week.
I was just wondering if anybody had heard of them, been to their conference, etc.
I'm guessing I'm not interested since they advertise a 'free' conference and I'm sure they're going to hit me up for money if I go. Where's the honesty in advertising these days?
Anyhow, I know y'all are a wealth of information, so if anyone has any feedback on these guys... I'd really appreciate it.


  • nebulousd9th November, 2003

    go, but keep your wallet in the car.

  • clear2close9th November, 2003


    That's Whitney's event. It's hosted by John and Greg Rice who, by the way, really are investors and very good ones at that. John and Greg are the short twins that are on the infomercials.

    The seminar is free and will give you some good infomation for free. I suggest checking it out. Of course they will try to sell you some products and if it seems worth it, buy 'em.

    hope this helpls,

  • SolutionsKid9th November, 2003

    Yep, love those guys...they do have a great deal of info to give you, but listen to the people above and leave your wallet in the car.

    If you really have to have it, come back here and ask us first

    Christian "The Solutions Kid" Beebe

  • hibby769th November, 2003

    I thought it was another one of of Ron Legrand's courses???

  • clear2close10th November, 2003

    It starts to get a little gray with these. SDI/LeGrand/Whitney/Rice Bros.

    hope this helps,

  • KDeLong12th November, 2003

    Well, I went today. I did get one piece of good information.
    I left my wallet in the car and was a-okay with that.
    I think I have a different learning style anyhow and have learned the most just talking with people on the forums and reading questions / answers.
    I did think it was incredibly pricey.
    That's my feedback and I'm stickin' to it.

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