Any Value In AD Kessler Program?????

I'm considering investing in my education by purchasing a CRE course from AD Kessler. Wondering if anybody has any thoughts, comments, experience with the program? They advertise that he owns the copyright to the term "Creative Realestate". Any help would be sincerely appreciated.
Thanks Catman800 confused


  • adk15th November, 2003

    I am in my 11 month of the AD Kessler program and have done very well. What would you like to know?

  • bigdreamsgary15th November, 2003

    I spent the $2500 for his mentoring program.

    Not much value in the program. Some of the coaches are okay, but I felt like they treated me like a Number and just wanted to get rid of my call and go on to the next one.

    The only positive thing that came out of that experience is that it got me interested in RE investing. It was a pretty expensive experience though because I feel I learned more from this site in 1 month than I did the 6 months with them.
    And the info on this site is free

    Just my experience

  • Lufos15th November, 2003

    Fellow practitioners of the Gentle Art of Real Estate Insertions.

    I read everything, it is a habit I picked up as a little deformed underpriviledged child raised in a very hostile environment with no direction and a lot of time on my hands. My parents read very little except the labels on various containers of what they described as medicinal spirits.

    Yes I have in my possession a copy of "A Fortune At Your Feet" written by A.D Kessler. I have read it cover to cover which is what I usualy do with books.

    We share a common background, I understand he was a Combat Pilot and ended up in a wheelchair cause he crashed an aircraft. I also was a combat pilot from 1941 with the Brits and on until 1954 when I had an Epithamy and left the USAF. I finaly figured it out. People were trying to kill me way up there in the Blue. Dun seen the light. I never hit the dirt like Mr. Kessler, I was always chicken and bailed out prior to impact.

    The book is very good if you read it only like a book and not a bible. His case studies are valid and workable, that is workable for him. I am not sure they apply to and are workable by everybody.

    I mean it is one thing to coast up to the door in a wheel chair or on a set of crutches or even a couple of canes. The pity factor might enter into it and he gets in to see the householder.

    But if I come gliding up on a Skateboard with my baseball cap on backwards and a pair of super baggy pants, I just don't know.

    Also I am uncertain just how much time he spent in that wheel chair. After all Jaclyn his charming wife with his assistance had six kids. Now I do not know how much time you have spent in a wheelchair conceiving and dedicating six kids. Either they have very strange far out turn ons or one of them is a contortionist. In any case I am impressed Six kids and he has the necessary solitude to write??

    Proper way to read it is with a high liner. You zip along and high line the examples which appeal to you. Then go back at your leasure and slurp up the ones you high lighted. Those are the ones applicable to you. Now stop check your navel, say OHMMMMmmm. Go for a walk and come back, sit down. Check your short term memory those items still there. Thats the goodies for you.

    Kessler is smart he lives in California. Land of opportunity and high rents. We buy expensive houses, we don't keep them long but we do buy them usualy at about five to seven year intervals.

    If you get involved in his mentoring stuff, the calls are coming out of Salt Lake City. You know, that's where they have this big church with a statute of a guy by the name of Moroni blowing a bugle, and right behind this edipis is a really biggy bank. Some sort of symbolism there.

    The people you will talk to are your Basic Mormon, raised on Pearls of Great Price and a belief that the name Smith has fantastic spiritual meaning.

    Because I am curious I made a "John Doe Call" and I get this enthusiastic guy on the line whose experience level is about the equivalency of a Junior Loan Officer in a Phone Shop. "High thar, my name is Mike, what's yours?" I ask some simple little questions about Trust Deeds, Subordination Devices, Liens and Means and what I get back is a rathered muffled dah. I hang up. Man is good at phone sex but to motivate and lead you into the path of big bucks, Not

    But then my theory of learning is read, read and then read. Take from the book what is there that strikes your fancy. You know yourself better then anybody else. If you are going to be instructed why get to the guy that knows. I have an imediate distrust of most Mormons, I know it is childish, but I have a problem taking instruction from any man who thinks he can have more then one wife and please them all. Hell, I can't even please one and I try every trick in the book. A spinner
    No not her, me!

    We went out to MaeWe, I bribed our way in told the Maitre that I was French and had a gold coin for him. We got a wonderful table. I helped her into her chair and then walked around to the otherside of the table, pulled out my chair and promptly fell on the floor, pulling the tablecloth off the table after me. Of course I stood up bowed right then left and to thunderous applause sat down at table. Wonder why she won't go out with me anymore?

    I think you all get my point. Read but do not bleed. (Don't Buy Courses except from the man direct).

    ((Metal Shipping Containers, Fireproof, Termite Proof, Bullet Proof and they Float, perfect houses for California.)) Lucius

  • InActive_Account15th November, 2003

    A.D, Kessler is one of the Deans of Real Estate. He trained many of the latter day (no Mormon reference) gurus. His methodology is still applicable. As a matter of fact , any methodology will work if the student will diligently apply herself.

    His book, "A Fortune at Your Feet" was one of the few books that was so boring that I couldn't fiinish it. I've read a bushel basket of worthless real estate books. I doubt that his mentoring program is any better or worse.

    I hate to break the news to Lufos, but he should refer to A.D. Kessler in the past tense since he has gone to the land of principal only.

    My opinion is that no guru (other than Lufos) is worth $2500-$5000. But, it's your money.[ Edited by sammyvegas on Date 11/15/2003 ]

  • catman80015th November, 2003

    My thanks to all who replied to my posting. I was seeking opinions regarding the value of AD Kesslers mentoring program and received what I was looking for. As always, Lufos had a very succinct ?? and eloquent reply. I, for one, appreciate the knowledge and experience that Lufos and innumerable others share on this site. Once again thanks to all who responded.

  • adk17th November, 2003

    AD Kessler is still alive and kicking, I spoke with yesterday in the San Diego marina Marriott hotel lobby. did Sammy Vegas think he was dead?

  • rpal17th November, 2003

    I have read the book and am thankful for the case studies.
    I also learned that his book is better than costly seminars.
    Applying AD's methods require imagination and creativity for different situations , but the point he keeps repeating is to think of the people and there needs ; then the money will come giving all a win /win situation.

  • joel17th November, 2003

    I hate to break the news to Lufos, but he should refer to A.D. Kessler in the past tense since he has gone to the land of principal only.

    I think sammy was referring to Ernie Kessler.

  • bigdreamsgary18th November, 2003

    I think he is reffering to Ernie.
    A.D is speeking at our REI club here in Los Angeles next month.

    Hey Lucius, I always enjoy your posts.
    They are always funny as heck!

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