Any Luck With Highway Billboards?

When I get the money, I'd like to try out those billboards you see when you drive down the highway. Mine would attract those in foreclosure by saying "Facing Foreclosure? WE BUY HOMES 1-800-##-####" then have that 800 number goto an answering service, scripted of course, then filter through the prospects via an email address.

Anyone done this, and any luck with it. As to say, do the profits from the leads off this billboard make up for the cost of using this billboard if put in a decent spot?



  • JohnMichael25th September, 2004

    Yes I have had great success!

    Billboards reach 93% of all Americans.

    Billboards are viewed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    The average American drives 54 minutes every day for a total of 302 miles per week!

    63% are actually read.

    I would not suggest this until you get a few deals under your belt, learn all you can about the business, have a large amount of funds ready, and above all check you state laws on advertising and purchasing of real estate.

  • jam9374th November, 2004

    What do billboards cost? I assume more popular spots cost more, but what are some ranges? Cost to make actual sign?

  • JimFL5th November, 2004

    For pricing on billboards, this varies from area to area. (some companies have long term national contracts for them, and you won't touch this kind of price.)
    Also, whatever price your given per board when you first call, is not the real price.
    Most places rent them to you for less per board, if you sign a contract for larger numbers of boards....and that is negotiable.
    Art work must also be paid for, both preparing and publishing, plus application.
    There are basically two kinds, the paper, and plastic, for simple terms anyway.
    Paper tears, and falls apart, plastic lasts longer.
    If your billboard gets damaged during the period you rented it for, you pay to have it repaired/replaced, the message part anyway, not the structure.

    I ran 7 for a few months, and it cost me about $4k per month.
    That was my area though.
    I know someone else who has 3, monthly, and it costs him about $1k total, after art work a different state from my own.

    I don't run mine anymore, simply because out local area outlawed them in town, thus removing most of my prime locations. Marketing to those who drive from one amusement/theme park to another just isn't a good plan........which is about the only place left to put billboards around here anymore, the highway.

    When I did still use them...
    I was not able to pick locations really, other than to say, "no, I won't pay for one there, where else is open?"

    Bottom line, make some calls to local outdoor advertising companies and see what they have to offer?
    Meet face to face, and negotiate.

    They do work, but take my advice, if you have a website, leave it off.
    Use a number, and simple message, and make sure the phone gets answered.
    This is what finally made them work for me.
    The first batch I used my URL and wasted 30 days......don't do that.

    As others said too, be prepared to spend $$ on them....... and I'll add, keep them up for 2-3 months to get real effective results, IMHO.

    I also learned that having them on state/federal highways was not a winner, local in town spots seemed to work best.
    You may also be given the option to pay for boards with additional cost that for me did not seem to make a hill-of-beans difference. (Mine were YELLOW with RED writing, so lights or no, they could be read at night.)

    Jim FL

  • isafjordur22nd November, 2004

    I have a question. What is the procedure one must go through in order to rent a billboard? Is paying with cash acceptable and would they need to see some form of identification when signing the contract? Please let me know. Thanks.

  • mojojojo_127th November, 2004

    what about bus benches? they sound cheaper, but results would seem to be less too.

  • ZinOrganization28th November, 2004

    i dont know if this has been posted before, but Jeff Kaller always preaches about getting "Revolving Billboards" why he calls them that i dont know. but he means to get them during a waiting period, like right after someone elses contract is up, and if there is a gap in between this time and when they have a new contract for the same board. so if there is a 3 month waiting period between there last contract and there new contract, you can get them cheaper. im wondering if any one has done this and how much cheaper it actually is? also if you want to place an ad on a specific board how do you find out who to call or who owns that board? any help would be appreciated. thanks.

  • karensilver2nd December, 2004

    I would call clearchannel or infinity. (they are the big companies) Alot of times if you look at the billboards they have the company name on them below the ads.

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