Any Good Reference About Dwan Bent-Twyford And Sharon Restrepo Short Sale Seminar??

Any reference about Dwan Bent-Twyford and Sharon Restrepo short sale seminar?? I'm thinking to assist to one of them, any experience about theirs seminars???


  • KyleGatton10th November, 2003

    You should order there free cd. Its a recording of the seminar, revised of course. It is on there website.


  • patricc6811th November, 2003

    one of the local investors in our area went to the seminar and swears by it and also got there forms and procedures..a nice addition to this is the short sale primer from the short sale pro here on this site, excellent and to the point..good luck..

  • Pintail11th November, 2003

    I just finished their bootcamp (on conf. calls) and it was very much worth the money. I am planning to attend their 5 day boot camp next year. Well worth the money if you want to get into short sales! Dwan is straight to the point and is a great teacher. Her husband also just came out with a CD for scripts, which is also great.
    Erin G.

  • marcoolivas11th November, 2003

    Thank you guys for taking the time to reply, thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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