Any Expirience With Lexington Firm?

Hello, does anybody has any experience about lexington firm services? thanks


  • scooter3186th March, 2004

    Yes i used them myself and they took off my credit everything except about 3 www.items.I started with 25 on each report it took them about a year and a half

  • tosf24th March, 2004

    I have also used them. It works but it does take a long time. If you read into how to repair your credit on your own, you can get it done quicker.

  • InActive_Account21st April, 2004

    I used them as well. Their whole system is DESIGNED to take a long time. After all, they get paid on a monthly basis. Hard copies of everything are snail-mailed back and forth. They did a first round of disputes for me. Nothing was removed. After Lexington received the hard copies of the rejections I sent them, 30-40 more days went by and they hadn't done a thing... no further disputes, etc... just auto emails touting the praises of their services. After 4 months, nothing was removed.
    We're in the same spot now, except I've wasted my time and money. The money was not a big deal, as we're not talking about large sums, but I have to agree that it must be MUCH faster to just do it yourself.

  • InActive_Account17th May, 2004


    DEFINITELY, go to creditboardsdotcom. I've gotten more results in the last 2 weeks than in months with Lex... and for free!


  • IngridA1st June, 2004

    Lexington was lousy.....they tout their services, but they don't measure up. They can't seem to get past the stonwalling tactics of the CRAs.

    You can do it yourself and have much better results.


  • InActive_Account1st June, 2004

    hahaha... wanna have some fun?

    Goto or or creditnet, or any of those boards... type LEX into the search engine.

    Now, want an adventure? Dig through ALL the crap that pops up and try to find ONE SINGLE positive comment.

    Good luck.

  • moneygrubber6th June, 2004

    used Lexington Law firm a year ago. They did what they said they would do. However, my credit scores went down after they got involved. I had the impression that they were basically sending out form letters and that the ex creditors did not like these form letters so they would put more stuff on your credit history to try and get YOUR attention. When I called their office, they obviously were not as interested in my case as I was. I had some incorrect information on my report that was causing me concern. It was not simple stuff like confusing my report with someone else, but rather things which resulted from what a predatory lender would do and then not admit it.

    Lexington Law did not help so I cancelled them and sent $400 to another law firm. They helped a little (they got the phone and address of who I should deal with, something I could not do on my own) but not very much. Definitely not $400 worth. Finally, I decided I would have to get involved myself. I spent a week writing letters and sending the letters Certified Return Receipt Requested and faxing copies of the letters to the recipients.
    Then I called them on the phone. (Yeah, I started Harassing them and waisting their time) That got their attention and they started removing items from my reports whereas they could just throw away the letters the law firms sent them.

    The secret is that you cannot be nice.
    You do not have to be rude but DO NOT BE PLEASANT. You MUST take their name and tell them you will call back in 48 hours to follow up with them again.
    Call them back in 48 hours and start again until they send a letter saying it has been cleared up.

    It is hard work. I had hoped that Lexington law firm or the other law firm would do it instead of me but it did not happen. There is no substitute for you taking names.
    The frustrating part is that negative entries can be placed on your credit report without asking you if it is correct or not. Kinda, sorta like your secret government file.

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