Any Companies That Will Process Short Sale For You?

Does anyone know of any companies that will do the work of the short sale for you, while taking their cut for their work? I do know of Creative Equity, but they seem pricey. Any other ideas? It looks like I don't have a choice, but my first deal will be done this way. All of my research has been in other areas, so I'd feel more comfortable having someone else process it for me, even for a fee. Thanks! grin


  • TheShortSalePro2nd April, 2004

    check out my profile.... it may answer your question

  • thealmon2nd April, 2004

    I'm a company.

    ( This post has been up here 17 minutes, so how about I break the ice, for everybody ? )


  • homebuyer132nd April, 2004

    I would be interested in working with you to complete your short sales. This is an area that I have experience in and I'm currently working on one as we speak. My approach to short sale investing is to do your best to travel the path of least resistance so I only work on deals that can produce lots of profit and do not have a lot of obstacles to overcome ie: clouded title, improper or incomplete paperwork from the homeowner. Let's talk if you are interested.

  • thealmon2nd April, 2004

    The Short Sale Pro beat me to it !

    What's new ?

    Adambeal1, There are some fellows and extremely knowledgable gals, right here, you'll be in Great Hands with.

    Just do everything they tell you to do and you'll be ON IT, in no time.

    ( Just do everything they tell you ?- Remember when you didn't know anything about computers and the salesman asked, " Do you need a Can of Air ?????"- to blow the dust out- Be as cautious and skepticle, as you like, I'm just saying, some things may sound a little new, to you, that are very Doable. )


    You may have found your "company" = TCI and friends.

  • adambeal12nd April, 2004

    I couldn't imagine getting started in this biz without TCI. What a truly amazing resource. I look forward to seeing us all make some money! :-D

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