Answer to Critics by DERRICK ALI

DISCLAIMER: This reply was not an intent to advertise and as you and I both are aware of my relationship to NARS…and the FREE 14 Day Challenge offered by me...

I felt the need to give Clarity to the 'dark Cloud' of smoke blown by mal-informed posters whose ill-intent is quite OBVIOUS!

JOEL you have (as has the TCI Moderator) always know the integrity I have maintained, as far as the non-promotion of my association with other Website( her on TCI.

And that for almost a year now has been expressly adhered to and even now understood by me!!!

I don't mean to sound tick-off to the highest point of tick-tivity…

However take this as some sage advice from a (as some of Poster out there have Termed me)- Under-Study:

"He whom seeks to live in Peace doesn't tell all that he knows…for it surely reveals to all around him that his words have shown intent while lacking proper content."

I am surprised and even admittedly: !!!P***ed Off!!! That TCI Moderators have taken their Highly OPINIONATED BIASED Questions, Mic Charaterizations and Comments so OPENLY B4 sorting through this issue by other means!

To each and everyone of you:

If you had a question or something to say about me or the services/products I represent--- you could have fielded it an appropriate forum (ei. Email or Private Message!)

Many of you already had and also have used the above means to address previous issues at fact!

You all have both my Email Address and Phone Number…and for some of you my mailing address!

It is considered POOR TASTE to join in the Negativity Ball and dance the dance of IGNORANCE no matter how you may have ENJOYED painting it as your 'honorable quest for Truth! Knowledge! And Understanding of a subject which you and your fellow dance partners KNOW little about!

(read… meaning you are dumb NOT SMART FELLAS on the subject PACTrust/EHTrust!)

Further should any of you feel the need for CLARITY on ME (and/or subjects relating to me) I am OPEN to you private messaging or Emailing me so as to prevent any un-intended HARM to anyone's character here on TCI!


Best of the Best,

cool grin


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