Another New One

I have been reading about tax lien cert. and there are a million websites and companies who want your $$ . Is tit necessary to go to this extent? The price vary to reasonable and just plain silly.
Any thoughts?


  • RonaldStarr26th October, 2004


    Nope. You can find good information cheaper.

    The book,"The 16 percent Solution" by Moskowitz, a Los Angeles attorney is a good start. It is in print, readily available. Maybe even in a local library.

    "Free and Clear" by John Beck has a lot of good information for the whole country and Canada, Washington D.C., possessions and territories, etc. It is $50 at his personal website.

    Study the state statutues related to collection of delinquent property taxes in any state in which you plan to buy certificates, as every state has different laws. And study the tax collector/treasurers office websites in the state for details about how they operate. All of this is free.

    There are also some modest-priced classes on the topic. For instance, both I and another teach a one-evening class on the topic at the San Francisco Learning Annex. Although my class covers both tax liens and tax deed investing. CA is a tax deed state.

    Good Investing and Good Investigating**************Ron Starr*************

    [ Edited by RonaldStarr on Date 10/26/2004 ]

  • zonein26th October, 2004

    Thank you for your reply, I have seen those books... looks like a good place to strart!
    Thanks again..

  • sara8126th October, 2004

    I would also take a look at There's a free online workshop coming up and it's free to join the site (so if you don't like it, or see anything new, it's not a waste of money.)

    Also, (I am not speaking from experience), but the people on the forums at have had really bad things to say about John Beck's classes, so I'd be careful there. But again, I don't know about his book either, so it could be different.

    I would also recommend the 16 Percent Solution by Joel Moskowitz.

  • zonein26th October, 2004

    Thanks Sara81!
    I have registered there in fact for the after hours class you where talking about yesterday!

  • linlin29th October, 2004

    Do NOT buy Beck's books. Useless and poorly done.

    If you search on Google you will find the same info with some reading.

    I say pick a state and concentrate on it until you have more experience.
    When I started I chose my state as I could go and see the properties myself and because of state laws the counties have to put a lot of info online which makes the due diligence easier.

  • RonaldStarr30th October, 2004


    I disagree with you about John Beck's materials. For the price you can get a tremendous amount of information. They are not well organized, so one has to be a self-starter to use them most effectively. If you require step-by-step introduction, his materials are not as helpful. However, he has information about every state in the union and the Canadian Provinces, as well as Washington, D.C., the territories and possessions, etc. So, for the money, a great deal of coverage.

    Good Investing*************Ron Starr************

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