Another Jailbird

Active_real_estate investor, from Beaverton OR has been warned by me, repeatedly, on Legal Forum to edit out his advertising "signature", but apparently refuses to do it.

A typical response with his ad is right now on Financing Forum, under "Becoming a Hard Money Lender".


  • NancyChadwick4th July, 2004

    Why don't we just delete the advertising material from "active's" signature? It's really blatant.

  • JohnMerchant4th July, 2004


    That's what I have been doing, but just wanted everybody to watch for this guy & catch his ads.

    John M

  • NancyChadwick5th July, 2004


    I'll start doing that too.


  • JohnLocke5th July, 2004


    Are you referring to this under his name?

    21+ years experience investing in residential property and notes in three countries (multiple states in the US).


  • JohnMerchant6th July, 2004

    John L

    Yes I am, because the reference to note investing is, in my opinion, an ongoing advertisement.


  • JohnLocke6th July, 2004




    You would be advised t delete and not to use the following under your name.

    21+ years experience investing in residential property and notes in three countries (multiple states in the US).

    It won't do you any good winding up in Jail or having your posts deleted.

    You will find posters will go to your profile, they will find you, believe me on this one.


    I gave him some advice so let's see what happens.


  • JohnLocke7th July, 2004


    The new one for active:

    21+ years of experience (many aspects of REI). Think out of the box. Use questions to find the real issues the seller wants solved. Brainstorm with others investors. Then write up the deal.

    Then I looked at Tinmans - Lori's which he sited t me:

    real estate investor since 1988. I like to find creative solutions for my real estate headaches before they become problems. Most importantly, MOVEMENT DOES NOT EQUAL PRODUCTIVITY

    So John what to you think?


  • Stockpro998th July, 2004

    Personally, I question the value of many of his posts.. They seem to be a little vague bordering on sophomoric. I could be a snob however wink

  • JohnMerchant8th July, 2004

    John L

    He's been told, and I'm going to start just deleting whatever he sends if his board-hustle message is on it.

    Hey, I'd like chance to get free ads too, re my nearly 50 years of note experience, but since it's not fair for me, why should it be for "creative" ?


  • JohnLocke8th July, 2004


    It goes without saying you have my support with active.

    I have found that when you see someone posting into the hundreds of messages in a month, it is a matter of time before the pm me or email me starts.

    If you notice cjmuzar (500+ posts last month) is in jail, not only were his posts meaningless, but he started the pm me thing, but I can't imagine who would pm this guy for anything, I also warned him to watch it a few times, but I think some of them until they wind up in jail try to push it.

    I could swear I saw active in jail the other day maybe I was wrong.


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