American Bar Association - Attempting A Power Grab

Hi all,

I thought you might like to know how the American Bar Association (ABA) would like to do improve our way of living (tongue firmly planed in cheek, dripping sarcasm) if they have their way.

It was mentioned in the True Stella Awards e-newsletter. The articles in the newsletter are typically selected to illustrate various aspects of the runaway problems in our civil legal system. Here is an excerpt that includes a link to the full editorial. Note that the web page with the full editorial was purposely made to look like a legal brief. Very satirical!

Issue 24 was a special essay on a major attempted power grab currently in progress by the American Bar Association, who wants an ABA-dictated definition of "the practice of law" to be adopted by all states. Anyone who "practices law" by giving out ANY legal advice could not only be sued, but suffer criminal charges as well.

What sort of thing would be illegal? Helping a family member fill in immigration forms. A tax preparer could not advise you of your rights in an IRS audit. Out go standardized real estate transaction forms used in most states; you would be REQUIRED to hire a lawyer to fill in those forms for you. And much, much more. The full essay is on a permanent page on the TSA site at

The number-one question readers sent was, "What about Miranda rights? Would the police be prohibited from telling suspects what their rights are -- a practice that's dictated by the courts?" That wasn't addressed in the source material I read, but I suspect that such dictated forms of "advice" would be exempt.(One other exemption that I neglected to include, but will amend the essay with: people would also be allowed to represent themselves in court. How magnanimous of them to allow the time-honored tradition of speaking for yourself in court!)

Be sure to let your elected officials know how you feel about this. - Find your elected officials

- Mark.


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