Aluminum Around Windows

I plan on replacing the windos on house I'm currently rehabbing. The house is vinyl sided but about 6" around each window is white aluminum sheeting that the vinyl bumps up to. The sheeting has clean cuts kind of like a picture frame. To replace the windows I will have to pull that sheeting off and then probably replace it. Is the sheeting part something I can do myself with common tools or is that something I will need to contract. Any guidance will be appreciated. thanks


  • InActive_Account14th January, 2005

    It is created using a tool called a break. Do an internet search to discover what it is and if you can do it yourself.

  • nyjosh14th January, 2005

    It's called capping. I just had one of my properties recapped for about $20 per window. A team of 4 guys came out and did it in about 2 hours.

  • davezora14th January, 2005

    I'm fairly confident that if you had someone look at this (that knows what they are doing) that the windows can be replaced without pulling off the exterior trim and aluminum caps. Worst case scenario, you might have to recap a portion of the new work. Providing, you are not altering the sizes of the new to existing windows.


  • Progm9414th January, 2005

    Thanks for the tips - I'm really starting to like this site.

    I was going back and forth about what type of windows to use. Either the ones that fit inside the existing frame or complete pull out of old windows. I feel pretty confident I can do either. I was leaning toward the complete pullout - just seem cleaner. But to do this I would have to pull old aluminum out.

    Thanks again.

  • KSchevis14th January, 2005

    If you purchase "Replacement Windows" they install from the inside. You will not need to touch the outside casing. When you do one window, you'll think , that was easy and fly right thru the rest.
    Carfefully remove the interior trim casing. Remove the stop strip that runs down each side on the window. Now take out the old double hung window sections. Notice there is a stop strip on the out side. THAT STAYS. Your new window will install from the inside. Chaulk the stop strip and put the window into place. Plumb and level the new window. Install the side screws. chaulk insulate and replace the interior trim.
    If the old window has pocket weigts remove them and discard. Insullate those pockets before you install the new window.
    Home Depot or Lowes has instruction sheets for measuring and installing.

  • pmscott17th January, 2005

    that capping is just folded aluminum nicely folded around a 1x6. pop off the AL , the 1x6, out with old in with the new replace 1x6 and AL caps. YUP did this when i put siding on and did not like the vinyl wrap for the windows.

  • Progm9418th January, 2005

    Thanks for the tips - looked up tools on internet as suggested. Looks like something I can definitely do. Will need to Cap around garage doors and I decided to go with new construction windows. Just like the idea of cutting the old ones out. Thanks again.

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