
I posted a property on "all you can rent" without a picture but when i pull up the property in a search it comes up with 3 pictures that are, of course, not of my property for rent. Any ideas about how to correct this error???
~ Tara :-?


  • joel14th July, 2004


    The properties that you enter here on TCI are being brought over automatically to AllYouCanRent.

    You don't need to create a separate account on AYCR. I made it so that TCI members wouldn't have to put in duplicate properties.

  • TaraG14th July, 2004

    The reason I posted it separately is because I went to the site to check on my posting and it was no longer there.

  • joel19th July, 2004

    Is your property there now?? Over the past two weeks we have been moving the properties over and fixing all the bugs on both sites.

    At this time, we still have to add in Apartment management, Multiple floors for Duplexes Triplexes, and Commercial Property listings.

  • TaraG20th July, 2004

    I have since deleted the listing and then reposted it - which seems to have worked, with the exception of the year the house was built which seems to automatically revert to 2000 even though I type in 1889. But, otherwise, working fine. Thanks for your efforts.
    ~ Tara

  • enormoustrousers28th July, 2004


    We've taken care of the bug causing an icorrect year to show up on your property. You will, however, have to go in and enter the correct year once more before the change will take effect.

    Should you have any further difficulty, the fastest way to contact us regarding problems such as this is to use the "Contact Us" form on web site (you can find a link to this form on the bottom of most pages on the site.)

  • TaraG28th July, 2004

    Thank you so much.

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