
Is anyone familiar on how billboards are priced?

Is it so much per car pass the site?

I am looking at a 4K loot that has not real other use, to butit for a cell site and one of the both way facing electronic boards.

Any hints?


  • ypochris6th October, 2008

    Those billboards cost plenty to erect, but rent for plenty too. Prices vary but they can bring in more than a house. My advice is to call the companies that rent the nearby billboards and ask about rates. Most here have a name and number bottom center, under the main message.

    Most are put up and owned by a few companies- Lamar, CBS, etc. But if you build it yourself you have the perfect advertising site to find clients!


  • cjmazur6th October, 2008

    turns out the city has a moratorium on billboards at a maximum of 60 for the whole city.

  • ypochris7th October, 2008

    Sounds like some highway frontage just outside the city limits might be a hot property!


  • commercialking9th October, 2008

    Well, you can always go down to the basement of the county building and pull title.

    The state of Illinois has a vacant property statute which I have never seen used which makes it possible to "take" such properties in an expedited fashion, a few bucks with an attorney to research such provisions might be well spent.

  • phil01559th October, 2008

    Thank you for the insight commercialking. I appreciate you taking the time to respond. I can use all of the assistance I can get as a new investor. I have a few other questions for you, if I may. Can I go to the county building myself and pull these records, or will I have to hire an attorney to do so? I understand that I will have to hire an attorney to explain the law to me. Additionally, which would you recommend I do first. Hire an attorney, or attempt to locate the owners myself by using the information I find in the county building?

  • phil015514th December, 2008

    Thank you for your response. I would enjoy attending the real estate investing group meetings. Please keep me informed on the days and times the meetings take place in January. I am sure I will be able to learn a lot that will be useful to me in my investing future.

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