Air fares to Australia each year included in USA mortgages.

If you want to tell your investors how to own a vaction home in Australia and fly their every year at no additional cost in the mortgage.

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As the American dollar is worth 30 to 35% more than the Australian dollar.

All you need to do is take an American mortage to purchase an Australian vacation house,. This means you will have above your cost to purchase a vacation house an extra amount to invest so as to buy air tickets each year from the profits of the investment.

{suggested cost to purchase a vacation house in Australia $50.000 to $500.000 all along the eastern sea board.

Note the loan must be taken in US dollars and best using your American collatoral as this allows you to open a second investment fund in Australia against the collatoral you own in the Australian vacation Property.


Loan taken in US dollars allowing the 30 to 35% of loan taken to be invested in Australia on a cash management or underwrting construction company.

The profit from the returns from the investment {suggeted in house construction} will buy you the airtickets you need to vacation each year in Australia.

Note if one year you don't want to vacation in Australia you simply sell the air tickets with a month rent in your vaction house in Australia.


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