Advice On Getting Organized

Hi guys! I am curious as to how you all keep everything organized and I need a little insight as to how others do it.
First, I go online or check the paper to get leads (so I have newspaper, or printouts). Then I call w/ my checklist/questions on one piece of paper. Then I write the info on another piece of paper (so I don't have to make any copies). That's a lot of paper. Also, when I email someone about their property, even though I put in 'Re: 123 Your lane property' they often email me back w/ out the property address. Help! I'm getting bogged down in the paper!
Obviously - I'm new!


  • jackman2nd December, 2003

    <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_smile.gif"> i hear you. there's no way to ever really get rid of the amounts of paper you'll be using, at least not in my vision. but, if you organize stuff on a spreadsheet, this can help. like, use miscrosoft excel (if you have a pc and not mac) and build a new workbook with separate pages for investors, properties, team members, etc...

    granted, this will take about a few hours to figure out how much info you want to keep track of for each property and each investor and so on. but, it has to be done, because sometime, someway, something is going to get lost in that stack of papers and if you have it in the spreadsheet, it's there until your computer dies.

    this is the cheapest way to stay organized. after you get everything initially input, stay on it. after every call or few calls, go put what you spoke about in the forms. it's like cleaning the house, easier to do if you stay up on it, if you let it go, you'll never want to take the time to catch up.

    good luck.[ Edited by jackman on Date 12/02/2003 ]

  • Birddog12nd December, 2003

    I usually type my info into microsoft word or somekind of word processor. This way, the stuff i need to keep, i do, and if i ever need to go back and look at it, I know where to find it.

  • engelduo3rd December, 2003

    Thanks for the Info guys. The spreadsheet idea will cut down on some of the paper. Just wanted to make sure I'm not the only one 'lost in the shuffle'!

  • emerson113rd December, 2003

    Just an FYI for Jackman, MS Excel works fine on the Mac too.

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