
Currently I am a realtor, 40% of my business is REO (foreclosures), with that background and experience, it kills me to pieces that I cant find the cash needed to do it myself. Any advice or ideas would be great. The clients I work with get 2nd mortages or have cash on hand. I have alot of ideas but have yet to find someone that has the capital or a bank willing to give me a loan. My credit is not long enough, its great but not alot on it. So like I said any help would be great! I even have a business plan!

**Please See My Profile**


  • jeff1200221st December, 2003

    People use their own money and credit to buy Real Estate? Man, no wonder why you're frustrated.
    Seriously, I'd suggest reading up on "Subject 2" investing, Lease/Purchases, and read up on the marketing forum, and also the bird-dogging forum.
    Many people miss one thing about bird-dogging.
    Bird-dogging teaches you how to find properties! Bird-dog for yourself, and when you're good at it, you'll always have deals working.
    Spend a couple of weeks here on this site, and read how some of the pro's do it. Read all you can, and then begin to apply what you learn.

  • pejames21st December, 2003

    Have you tried Hard Money Lenders?

  • moneyprivate22nd December, 2003

    I dunno 40% thats pretty good I would take some of those guys to lunch and see how they are doing it.

  • aaronismyrealtor23rd December, 2003

    See I can find the properties just being able to move on them before there gone, without having the cash is hand is hard. Everyday i learn something new if this business. I hope that everyone has a wonderful Christmas, thanks for replying.

  • kenmax23rd December, 2003

    being in the business you know that if you see a good deal you have to move on it quick or someone esle will. thats where cash is king. i have made deals that agents said the buyer would not accept only to have the deal taken from me buy someone offering a few k more and the owner taking it. this was where the agent had a ringer and left me in the cold. ggod luck. kenmax

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