Advertising On TV & Newspaper

Bandit signs, Direct mail and posters appear to the favorite medium of advertising for most investors on this forum.

I was wondering if Newspaper and TV advertising has worked out well too. It will be great if he experts can share their opinions and experiences. How much does it cost to run successful campaigns on TV & newspaper and how are the responses?


  • IBuyHousesInc12th December, 2005

    We spend over 50,000 a month on advertising...

    There are all kinds of ways to advertise and generate leads where you don’t have to spend the money we do.

    Bandit sign mail and posters are the favorite because they are the types that don’t cost a ton and the ones the Gurus push.

    Advertising done correctly works very well... Most of the Gurus do not suggest large advertising budgets mainly because they know that the new investor doesn’t have the resources..

    And I would agree, as you start out take it slow build up your available capital and labor resources and keep pushing your business to success.

    To the new investor who has a limited budget there are programs that will “On Purpose” work for you, they require more of a hands on approach, and their returns are not as predictable but if someone is wanting to do 5-10 deals a year they will work just fine…

    Good Luck


  • worknomore12th December, 2005

    What kind of newspaper advertising do you recommend? I see these 3-4 liner ads which keep on changing every few weeks. So I am sure these are investors who do not get any traction with their audience.

    What sort of ads pull well? Whats a good frequency? Which newspapers are good to advertise in? How long do you advertise to start seeing good results?


  • IBuyHousesInc12th December, 2005

    You see results instantly...

    If I could figure out how to upload an ad I would place uit on this site for everyone to view...

    If someone wants to walk me through it that would be great....
    Michael Quarles

    "Marketing is the key to Successful Investing"

    [ Edited by IBuyHousesInc on Date 12/12/2005 ]

  • IBuyHousesInc20th December, 2005

    Hey everyone.... Sorry been pre-occupied on a new project...

    And still dont know how to upload my ad....

  • ZinOrganization3rd November, 2005

    Yeah, im always surprised at the amount of people that end up calling me back a month or two down the road and explain how some buyer couldnt come up with the cash or backed out or whatever the reason may be. Thats the problem with this market, there is an abundance of people (usually new investors) willing to overpay for houses thinking they will just overlist and profit off the deal, fortunetly they dont know what there getting into and end up loosing the deal or backing out or they try wholesaling it and there buyer backs out. Then they come running back to the people who can close the deal at a realistic price, and that price is usually even now lower because they either pissed me off or wasted my time. Dont ya love it.

  • worknomore3rd November, 2005


    How do you locate a vacant homes? Or do you drive by neighborhoods?

  • niknjen22nd December, 2005

    If driving around looking isn’t your cup of tea, try contacting the city or county and looking into code violations. If you see a bunch for one address, it may indicate a vacant property (Overgrown lawn, broken widows, things like that). I haven’t tried it yet, but it makes sense.

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