Advertising On Concrete Benches

Has anybody ever advertised on road-side concrete benches? Bandit signs are not illegal with the local gov. but with the local population they are. Just wondered about these as a bandit alternative. There are not a ton of these benches around town yet, but the ones out there are near fairly busy intersections. Not sure about the cost, but a flower shop in town is the only one using these benches (about eight of them)...


  • 3qu1ty1st December, 2003

    Not sure about your area but here in San Diego I see quite a few empty benches with the 800 number to advertise. Maybe they are just untapped but they could be ineffective.

  • bigbtheking1st December, 2003

    If the price is right I still might give them a try. The local residents here stop just shy of a lynching party complete with torches when it comes to bandit signs on their street corners.

    Maybe this will be an alternative. I'll try anything once (within reason)....

  • SolutionsKid1st December, 2003

    Here in the Midwest the company is called Benchmark Advertising. I talked to them once and they have good prices, you just have to make sure your message is worthwhile or you become just another sign after awhile.

    Good luck,

    Christian "The Solutions Kid" Beebe

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