Adverse Possession

What forms (standard) are filed in Colorado to STOP Adverse Possession??? Needs to be done before 1/1/2004 and the landowner does not have an attorney yet. HELP!!!!
**Please See My Profile** confused [ Edited by peggysioux on Date 12/14/2003 ]


  • Ladybug14th December, 2003

    What is adverse possession?


  • peggysioux14th December, 2003

    Adverse Possession is the 'notorious' claiming, control and use of anothers property with the idea of 'taking' or 'possessing' the property. In Colorado, if someone notoriously claims, uses and controls property for 18 yrs (payment of taxes and 'color of title' shortens the time to 7 years) they can apply to the courts for Deed. If they have meet all the criteria- they can legally own the land they Adversely Possessed.

  • Lufos15th December, 2003

    The doctrine of Adverse is very interesting and is highly applicable to modern times.

    One of the larger problems associated with this doctrine is grave yards. It becomes almost an automatic occasion to raise the dearly departed every 18 years and have them sign a release of intent to convert.

    Of course it is very difficult to bring the matter to a court of law. Notarizing the signature on a deposition is almost impossible to obtain without resorting to very non christian rituals and that creates a repugnance on the court.

    A class action was contemplated in the Judicial District of Los Angeles but the matter of obtaining signatures was upon hearing declared mute. The case was removed from file and was burned in a public place. The verdict of the judge then charged with the matter was as stated. Ah Men.

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